I've been looking getting wideband and getting an electronic boost controller quite some time now. when i was reading one description for a greddy profect e-01 i saw that it has the feature of:
"Can datalog the following for up to 3 hours * - see note: Boost, AFM input, AFM output, throttle position, RPM, injector duty cycle, boost control solenoid duty cycle, any 2 digital signals (wideband O2, narrowband O2, etc), any 2 analog signals (speed, knock sensor, etc), and any GReddy P/H gauge!"
I'm really interested in the 2 digital signals feature (wideband), i know for this feature i'd have to buy a harness ($15), but what else would i need.. i'd love to go this route if you can directly connect an o2 sensor to the harness... but that seems too easy to be true.. is it?
"Can datalog the following for up to 3 hours * - see note: Boost, AFM input, AFM output, throttle position, RPM, injector duty cycle, boost control solenoid duty cycle, any 2 digital signals (wideband O2, narrowband O2, etc), any 2 analog signals (speed, knock sensor, etc), and any GReddy P/H gauge!"
I'm really interested in the 2 digital signals feature (wideband), i know for this feature i'd have to buy a harness ($15), but what else would i need.. i'd love to go this route if you can directly connect an o2 sensor to the harness... but that seems too easy to be true.. is it?