Who Wants To Make Some Money ;)


Permanently Banned
Oct 4, 2007
Fail town
sup everybody, ive been working on my car for a while now and i cant seem to get it started. well i got kinda fed up with doing all the work my self. now im looking for someone that can help me get my car started and going. i pay good so dont worry about that. the problem is that i cant move the car so you gotta come to me. if interested here are some stuff you gotta know:

-Located in Socal:Bellflower
-Got Cold Injector Issues
-Got Fuel Injector Issues
-Watch My Videos To Know Exactly whats going on

PM yo!!


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
check the firing order 1-5-3-6-2-4 and spark gap 0.031 also make shure the wire is pushed down far enuogh in the boot on both ends so you hear a snap when you push on the spark plug. also chek the ground for the coils you need a ground strap that goes from the coil braket to the head. as for the cold start i would check the cold start injector time swich and connector its located on the thermostat housing the plug has a black/blue and green wire check for a bad connection clean with electrical cleaner and the pins are tight . the blk/blu should have power and green should have a ground when cranking when cold the timer sensor tells it how long it should be engaged the green also goes to the ecu . do you have an auto trans or manual ?the reason is the power on the blk/blu wire runs throuh the nutral saftey switch also if manual it runs through the clutch/ starter relay. try it and let us know what you found . oh i do except paypal lol.:biglaugh: just kidding
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