I chose to mount mine below the rear defroster switch.
Also, I havn't wired it up yet because my instructions are all in Japanese. Could someone tell me what to do with the red and green wires? I know they hook up to 2 of the 4 wires coming off the ignition cylinder, but which ones? Black is the ground wire (duh) and I'm guessing the brown wire is for the e-brake, while the purple is for RPM signal? The white one with the cap is for hooking into a transponder for lap times maybe? What's the switch on the left side for? And the little hole on the right?

Also, I havn't wired it up yet because my instructions are all in Japanese. Could someone tell me what to do with the red and green wires? I know they hook up to 2 of the 4 wires coming off the ignition cylinder, but which ones? Black is the ground wire (duh) and I'm guessing the brown wire is for the e-brake, while the purple is for RPM signal? The white one with the cap is for hooking into a transponder for lap times maybe? What's the switch on the left side for? And the little hole on the right?
