where can i get a head flange?


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Lower plenum is aluminum, so that wont work because what I've got is steal.
But yes, it's that flange.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Bobby, you know Rob should be getting back this week: I can ask him if he can cut one for ya on the base...


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
LoveMy7MGTE said:
i could laser cut one for you.....
EDIT: I'm gonna make myself one anyway, I'm a mechanical engineering student at Lawrence Tech so I have access to the fabrication lab, equipment we have can laser cut up to 5/8" thick mild steel, 1/2 inch stainless. I'm making myself a full stainless set-up, so let me know, i would only charge you for materials and shipping, might be able to find scap that is big enough, so maybe only shipping. I know you've been screwed in the past (saw the tread, how'd that go anyway? hope you got the bastard) so you could wait to pay me untill after you receive it, call me a trusting sole, but I don't think a military man will screw over a navy boy like myself. Not sure how much materials and/or shipping would run be, but i doubt it'd be more than $20. laser cutter is all computer controlled, so I've gotta build the flange in CAD havnt gotten around to it yet with school and all, but when its done i could send it to you so you can see my measurments and shit


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
outofstep said:
I'm all over it for around 20 bucks. Lemme know.
will do, my laptop with my CAD software on it is out of commision at the moment, hard drive crashed on me. But classes start again on the 16th, which means the helpdesk is open then too. (laptop is provided by the school) shouldnt take me more than a few days to get the CAD shit done, not all that complicated of a design, just a little carfull measuring. Then im gonna cut it out of a thin piece of wood first to make sure it lines up right (will probably take a couple tries to get it perfect) and then i just gotta cut it out of the steel. What thickness are you gonna want? I can have it shipped by the 25th if all goes smoothly and the laser cutter doesnt break down(happens about every 3 weeks, which realy sucks when you need it for a project that is due) Just in case you didnt know, laser cutting leave a fucking sweet finish, rarely need to sand/polish anything after being cut, not at all like plasma cutting which doesnt cut a clean line at all. I've never personaly had a problem with warping, but ive never done anything thicker than 1/4 inch before, so no promises there. I will check for warp before shipping anything, and if i cant get it perfect I'll let you know, if its not good enough no worries. but once i've shipped it i cant afford to refund it. I'm an honestly guy, if its off AT ALL, you'll know exactly how much its off before i ship. I am a perfectionist and I wouldnt sell any1 anything that i wouldnt put on my own car.


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
outofstep said:
I'm all over it for around 20 bucks. Lemme know.
I just need to know the thickness you need. You just need a mild steel flange right? I'm making mine out of stainless, if thats what you want it would be a little more. The thickest mild steel i can do is 5/8th, thickest stainless is about 1/2


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
gixxer750 said:
I want one..... in mild steel in 1/2 inch!!!! Hook me up please!!!
I could do that for you, no problem. Hopefully I dont get swamped with people wanting this though, I am not company doing this, I'm just a college kid, and I'm not making any money off this, so please dont go crazy on me people.


New Member
Nov 24, 2005
Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Shit, I feel bad for having to do this to any who where interested, but for finacial reasons I'm no longer attending lawrence tech, which means no more access to laser cutter. If I can find somewhat at the school willing to do it for me I'll PM people. Hate to not keep true to my word so I'll see what i can come up with, but it's not looking good.

If any1 else does have access to CNC machines, I have the CAD files and CNC programs done to run the part, LMK and i can send them.

Also, any1 who would have the ability to make these, I now need one as well, 1/2" aluminium or stainless.


Sorry all, I feel like a real ass