List what you guys have damaged while driving your Supras. A little story about each would be good too.
Here is my list.
Damaged 1: Bent right rear "toe" control arm, took a chunk out of right rear wheel and both rear tires, cracked rear bumper cover, clipped right rear brake line and scrapped up underside.
Story 1: I was driving home from my girlfriend's house around midnight on a saturday after a day of rain. I reached some curves I usually took really fast when it's dry. I am going about 65mph (when it's dry I can take this particular turn at around 110mph). I decided I wanted to slide around being it would be easy wet. I turn a little more sharply coming into the turn, simultaniously hitting the gas all the way down. Once the turbo kicks in I start getting more angle than I wanted due to heavy wheel spin. I let off and countersteer to correct it. I put too much countersteer in (full lock). My Supra now snaps the opposite direction, I frantically counter the other direction full lock and slam the brakes. That last move sends me into a 180 and I am now watching through a side mirror as I fly backward towards a curb. I hop the curb and hit a sign with my rear, I then do another 180 and come to a stop. I drive off the curb and realize my rear end is messed up (right rear had 5+ degrees of toe due to the control arm bending).
Damage 2: Blew HG.
Story 2: I had just installed my GReddy IC kit and put in a new water pump and thermostat housing gasket. I started up the engine and it stumbled due to improper ignition timing (had the CPS out). I needed to get to work and figured it would be ok for a day given the 7M has two knock sensors. I start driving and it feels like crap. I come up to an intersection that goes from two lanes to one. The guy next to me thought he'd get ahead of me, I thought otherwise. I punch the throttle through 1st, do a hard shift into 2nd and look in my mirror to see only a very thick cloud of white smoke, nothing else. I pull over and my engine is stumbling bad. I shut it down and pop the hood to have a look and coolant is all over the place. I try to start it and the starter engages but does not turn the motor over. I beleive I had so much coolant in the #4 cylinder that it was hydrolocking the engine.
Damage 3: Windshield shattered/cracked, cracked front bumper cover and dented hood.
Story 3: I was driving home from the races the first night I hung back out with my ex. I was in a mood to show off. I come around a corner doing about 55mph in 4th. I drop down to 2nd harshly and slam the gas. I get a lot of angle and save it perfectly. I keep driving towards home when it comes time to get on a clover leaf. I drop down to third and get to about 80mph and then start braking harshly from the clover leaf. I miscalculated the braking zone and my front wheels locked up just as I was about to let off and turn. I fly off the clover leaf and hit a sign mid-air. The sign flys out of the ground, bounces off my hood and shatters/cracks my windshield. The sign actually came about 4 inches from my face. I drive away as quickly as possible and head out on my way.
Damage 4: Shift fork
Story 4: I am picking up my girlfriend from work. I take off out of the parking lot hard through first and begin a hard shift into second only to have it not engage. At first I thought I missed second. I quickly realized my shift fork was broken as I had nothing but 3rd on up.
Here is my list.
Damaged 1: Bent right rear "toe" control arm, took a chunk out of right rear wheel and both rear tires, cracked rear bumper cover, clipped right rear brake line and scrapped up underside.
Story 1: I was driving home from my girlfriend's house around midnight on a saturday after a day of rain. I reached some curves I usually took really fast when it's dry. I am going about 65mph (when it's dry I can take this particular turn at around 110mph). I decided I wanted to slide around being it would be easy wet. I turn a little more sharply coming into the turn, simultaniously hitting the gas all the way down. Once the turbo kicks in I start getting more angle than I wanted due to heavy wheel spin. I let off and countersteer to correct it. I put too much countersteer in (full lock). My Supra now snaps the opposite direction, I frantically counter the other direction full lock and slam the brakes. That last move sends me into a 180 and I am now watching through a side mirror as I fly backward towards a curb. I hop the curb and hit a sign with my rear, I then do another 180 and come to a stop. I drive off the curb and realize my rear end is messed up (right rear had 5+ degrees of toe due to the control arm bending).
Damage 2: Blew HG.
Story 2: I had just installed my GReddy IC kit and put in a new water pump and thermostat housing gasket. I started up the engine and it stumbled due to improper ignition timing (had the CPS out). I needed to get to work and figured it would be ok for a day given the 7M has two knock sensors. I start driving and it feels like crap. I come up to an intersection that goes from two lanes to one. The guy next to me thought he'd get ahead of me, I thought otherwise. I punch the throttle through 1st, do a hard shift into 2nd and look in my mirror to see only a very thick cloud of white smoke, nothing else. I pull over and my engine is stumbling bad. I shut it down and pop the hood to have a look and coolant is all over the place. I try to start it and the starter engages but does not turn the motor over. I beleive I had so much coolant in the #4 cylinder that it was hydrolocking the engine.
Damage 3: Windshield shattered/cracked, cracked front bumper cover and dented hood.
Story 3: I was driving home from the races the first night I hung back out with my ex. I was in a mood to show off. I come around a corner doing about 55mph in 4th. I drop down to 2nd harshly and slam the gas. I get a lot of angle and save it perfectly. I keep driving towards home when it comes time to get on a clover leaf. I drop down to third and get to about 80mph and then start braking harshly from the clover leaf. I miscalculated the braking zone and my front wheels locked up just as I was about to let off and turn. I fly off the clover leaf and hit a sign mid-air. The sign flys out of the ground, bounces off my hood and shatters/cracks my windshield. The sign actually came about 4 inches from my face. I drive away as quickly as possible and head out on my way.
Damage 4: Shift fork
Story 4: I am picking up my girlfriend from work. I take off out of the parking lot hard through first and begin a hard shift into second only to have it not engage. At first I thought I missed second. I quickly realized my shift fork was broken as I had nothing but 3rd on up.