Brewster said:Black or Quicksilver.
Justin727 said:what do you want? go look at a color chip book!
Suprastic and Ideal are the reason why I'm choosing one of these two colors. I like the color of the mirrors I bought from you....but I also like the '89 pearl white spoiler I bought from Ideal. This is both you fault. LOL :rofl: :rofl: :bigthumb:
GrimJack said:I can't believe there is even any discussion over this. All Supras should be painted black.
IMHO, of course.
americanjebus said:if you can keep up with the washing and attention to clenlines get a pearl black, or if you tend to miss a wash or just dont want that dirty look go white or anthracite.
never seen an anthracite mkIII before, infact i have hardly ever see an anthraicite mkIV.
Justin727 said:Just make sure you dont get anything tricoat. pretty hard to touch up.