I was changing my plugs today, and I decided to do a compression test, since I haven't in about 5000 miles.
Well, I start at the back, TB open, turn over 3 cranks. Number 6 is at 165. 5 is at 164, 4 is at 166, 3 is 165.... Then I get to cylinder 2. 90 PSI on cylinder 2. It came up to 85 on the first rotation, and went to 90 on the second. The third rotation of the engine it didn't change. Hmmm...
I go ahead and do number 1 and get 166. So then I go back and do number 2 again. I crank it over about 10-15 times. It is Still exactly 90. That is kind of strange I think, so I add a tablespoon of oil. It only comes up to 106.
Does this sound like a ring problem, or maybe something else. I'm going to borrow a leakdown tester this week and check that. I'm thinking maybe a valve clearance is off or something. Adding oil should have done more that that I would think. I mean, it only changed 16 psi, and in the past when I have done oil on cylinders in cars it changes the readings 40-50 psi....
Thoughts on this?
Well, I start at the back, TB open, turn over 3 cranks. Number 6 is at 165. 5 is at 164, 4 is at 166, 3 is 165.... Then I get to cylinder 2. 90 PSI on cylinder 2. It came up to 85 on the first rotation, and went to 90 on the second. The third rotation of the engine it didn't change. Hmmm...
I go ahead and do number 1 and get 166. So then I go back and do number 2 again. I crank it over about 10-15 times. It is Still exactly 90. That is kind of strange I think, so I add a tablespoon of oil. It only comes up to 106.
Does this sound like a ring problem, or maybe something else. I'm going to borrow a leakdown tester this week and check that. I'm thinking maybe a valve clearance is off or something. Adding oil should have done more that that I would think. I mean, it only changed 16 psi, and in the past when I have done oil on cylinders in cars it changes the readings 40-50 psi....
Thoughts on this?