This recently started doing this just yesterday, Transmission shifts fine no slipping at all in any gears, From a stop then start rolling trans will not shift into 2nd gear, It is very delayed about 25-30 seconds and some times skips 2nd and goes straight to 3rd. However once in 3rd I can downshift the selector to the 2nd position and it will downshift into the appropriate gear, also in 3rd with O/D off it will kick down into 2nd as well and then shift up to 3rd like its supposed to. The fluid has been checked, filter was replaced 2k ago along with fluid, I have done a manual test on it and everything checks out as supposed to.
Wondering what could cause a very long delayed up shift from 1st to 2nd and some times it will skip 2nd and go right to 3rd. I have another ECT computer I will try as well but Im thinking its a solenoid/electrical issue as there are no other problems..
Anybody else have this problem?
Wondering what could cause a very long delayed up shift from 1st to 2nd and some times it will skip 2nd and go right to 3rd. I have another ECT computer I will try as well but Im thinking its a solenoid/electrical issue as there are no other problems..
Anybody else have this problem?