Weird Rattle


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
I got this metalic sounding rattle coming from somewhere near the passenger rear wheelwell. It's really hard to place where it's comming from and I've almost crashed countless times looking backwards while I drive trying to locate the source. I've checked all the obvious stuff (I think) including taking all the stuff out of the back of the car, spare, jack, toolkit, everything and I still can't find it. WTF? I even took out the hatch struts...still rattles! I'm stumped. I had someone ride in the back and they couldn't locate it other then to say it sound like somewhere near the passenger fenderwell. It's not terribly loud but it's enough to make you nuts if that kind of thing bothers you. Anybody had this problem? Any ideas much appreciated. :icon_conf


Madd Tyte JDM yo ®
Apr 2, 2005
st. pete, fl
it could be the antenna that isnt bolted down correctly, or a tems ecu thats not bolted down right, or soemthing on the gas filler neck or something under the rear corner of the car.

take off the interior panel back there and see f you can find anythng back in there.