WeezL's first race in Lucy


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Street racing is illegal and extremely dangerous. The author of this post neither condones nor practices street racing. Please do not try this at home! ;)

Last night after dropping off a WeezLWing™ to JokerFuel in Eugene I was headed back to Corvallis. The road conditions were pretty bad but the pavement was mostly dry. I hate driving in Eugene traffic so I had just been cruising in the right lane headed north on hwy99w. Leaving the city, hwy99w has a couple of stoplights just before the airport. One of those lights was at Beltline Rd. I had managed to just miss the light and came to a stop next to a brand new Dodge Charger R/T. He was sitting pretty low on what looked to be some Jesse James chromies. I thought nothing of it at first as ever since I got rid of the NA and picked up Lucy, no one had challenged me yet.

The light went green and I began to accelerate normally. Very quickly I realized the charger was steadily mashing the pedal harder as I did my usual "jack rabbit start" As my automatic kicked into second I realized this guy was not stopping and I actually heard his Hemi open up! "What the hell, why not" I thought to myself and mashed the pedal to the floor. An instant later the tranny auto shifted down to first and the turbo began to spool. The Hemi had half a car on me already though and was slowly creeping out. But once I was in full boost and creeping towards redline in second I realized I was holding my ground against him. He wasnt pulling me anymore! Hitting about 80mph I decided that, while were on a "backroad hwy", I didnt feel like putting anyones life in danger or for that matter getting a racing ticket. So I abruptly shut down and let the Blitz BOV do its thing. The Charger stayed with it for at least another 200feet, then had to change lanes to avoid the traffic we were quickly approaching.

I cut my speed back to the posted limit +5 like I normally do. at the time I was a little bummed that I didnt pull out on him. But he didnt waste me either. When I got home I looked up what the R/T has in it to discover that I had stayed even with a 340hp 5.7L V8. Not bad for a 17 year old six banger.
I also thought to myself, if I had my new parts on already it would have been a walk in the park. This added to my reslove to get them installed before the end of next month. Maybe I can go Charger hunting in eugene after that!


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
Nice race Weezl. I had to do a search to find out what you had lost too, since you said Lucy was 1 and 1. Not a bad kill since he didn't really kill you. Maybe we'll say Lucy is 1-0-1 and it will help her ego just a little bit..............lol


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Yeah the Charger did not crush me. I did hold my own, but Im sure the Charger driver considered it a win. If I were younger and little more wreckless I might have pushed a little harder, but I can tell you I certainly dont need a speedracing ticket right now.

My other problem is that my transmission does not shift very fast under WOT conditions. I need a rebuild pretty bad.