Turned down for an SIA License :(


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
For those that dont know, in order to work security jobs in the UK, you need to be licensed by the SIA (Security Industry Authority).

As i seem to be 'overqualified' for everything else i apply for, i thought i'd do security work as i'm large and scary and it pays £10 or more per hour.

So, i paid my £170, did the exams (passed those) but FAILED on medical grounds....i didn't give permission for them to check my medical background, but they did anyway....I'm fully capable of sitting at a desk and once an hour wandering around with a radio - seriously, its not THAT hard, right?

So now i'm pissed off.

I've been turned down for bar work, office work and now security - what else left is there? :(


That Aussie Chick
Aug 18, 2006
Aussie Land
Kai, that sucks mate, sorry to hear :(

I agree with Ian though, you now have some cashola, so why not bank-roll yourself, and start an online business of sorts utilising your skills and qualifications????


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
CK - I have MS.

IJ/K - I had given some serious thought to making my own business, but the problem is 'what' and how do i guarantee an income? Computing seems a little too risky to go into, on your own as a sole trader. I'm filling in an application form for the UK equivalent of 'the geek squad' - it earns £6.34 an hour, 40 hours a week, could certainly do worse...

lagged - certainly not turning to crime, kthxbai.

I think i might raise a little hell over the whole medical thing, seeing as it wont affect me enough to not work, so i'll go and apply a second time, work somewhere else in the meantime and if they do the same thing again, bitch. Loudly.


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
Kai. Here is what you do. Seriously. You are a computer expert. So thats what you do. Become a Forensic Computer Expert. Google "Forensic Computer Expert" I charge 150.00 per hr. You need to be able to testify in court tho. So as long as you dont have a problem talking to a small group of people you are good to go.

PM me and we can talk details and I can tell you how to get started. I think its a good choice for you!


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
Wouldn't the MS thing fall under discrimination. I mean, if you are capable of doing security work, it doesn't seem it's fair not to hire you on the grounds of a disability that doesn't affect your ability to do a specific job.
Sorry to hear about your troubles Kai. I hope everything works out for you.

EDIT: I think you would be able to go so far as to sue them for looking at your personal medical files without permission.:dunno: