Anyone ever tinkered with the stock pressure sensor? There are three wires coming off it, orange, white and brown.
I want to datalog boost to the LM-1 and I'm figuring one of these wires comes out as a 0-5V reading for boost. At least thats what the specs say. Anyone ever tried this? Looking at a wiring diagram, it looks like white goes to the stock boost gage but it's really not that clear.
I'm going to tinker with it anyway, but if someone has tried it you may save me from butchering a couple of innocent wires.
I want to datalog boost to the LM-1 and I'm figuring one of these wires comes out as a 0-5V reading for boost. At least thats what the specs say. Anyone ever tried this? Looking at a wiring diagram, it looks like white goes to the stock boost gage but it's really not that clear.
I'm going to tinker with it anyway, but if someone has tried it you may save me from butchering a couple of innocent wires.