Turbo, or Supercharger?



I was thinkin of doin a Turbo conversion to my NA, but saw Superchargers on the net...Which do you think would add more power?


The Juggernaut has my old
supercharger=hard to find, not as good on performance, cant turn up and down boost, and takes horsepower to make horsepower.

turbo=easy to find, more choices, you can adjust boost pressure and is free horsepower by using exhaust...

trust me i threw the 7mge out and place a 7mgte in last year and loved every minute of it.. a stock turbo with the right setup can get you 300rwhp no problem w/ a metal head gasket and with a bigger turbo you can reach 500rwhp on stock internals... and it is cheaper to put a 7mgte in there....

I thought of the same thing when i was n/a. i thought about a supercharger. but I am glad i didnt do it.. so much more horsepower potential with a turbo..

but at the same time to each his own and it is your car...

good luck in any decision you make....

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Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Both will give you a crapload more power. The main difference will be cost - there are lots of turbo solutions out there ready to bolt up, a SC setup will be entirely custom and cost a fair bit to get running properly.


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
the difference for supras, and also the reason i got this car, is because toyota used turbos on factory motors. The means that there are 100,000+ 7m-gte's in the US alone, which means 100,000 ct-26's, ecu's, blocks, heads, etc. Roughly estimating, of course. Supercharging a 7m would really be a one-off deal, maybe there are a handful of people in the world who have done this before but it is likely that they have different setups than you so you would have to engineer it and sort out the bugs yourself.

So it's not all about which one would add more power, stepping up to the tried and somewhat true stock 7m-gte is by far the cheapest and easiest way to add solid horsepower


Supramania Contributor
I think the 100 thousand plus 7MGTE's out there clearly indicate that a Turbo is the better option for the 7M engine than a SC based setup.

There might be like 10 SC'd 7M's in the world? Perhaps more if they used this motor in some offshore racing, or other aplications, but in cars, it was the GTE that made all the power.


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
I didn't know there was a supercharger available for the Mk III.
Hopefully its a kit.
What kind of supercharger is it?
Does the supercharger have an intercooler? At higher boost pressures the intercooler is going to be necessary, especially if you're running NA higher compression pistons.
Does have a custom intake manifold?
Where's the throttle body?
Is there an ECU upgrade too?

Superchargers don't have the lag that turbos have.
But in theory, turbos are more effecient.
Turbos seem to have more heat under the hood.
For some reason, it seems superchargers are less reliable than turbos. But I don't know if this is just the manufacturer or if its inherent in superchargers.
Superchargers also do better in smog because they don't cool the exhaust like turbos do.

Like other Mk III owners pointed out, a turbo is a factory setup on a Mk III.
And you can't just add a supercharger to a NA and expect huge HP gains. There's a lot of other supporting mods required before you go the high HP mods. Especially on a NA.
I like superchargers, but thats on Mustangs where its a factory setup with water to air intercooling.
Personally, I think you'd be better off sticking with the turbo.


i wasnt speeding officer
Jun 3, 2005
perth West Australia
in japan superchargers are what they put on taxi's (except the 4agze but a lot of ppl keep the bottom end and turbo them)."Fast" cars in japan are all turbo or twin turbo except for the C's supercharger kit for the 1Uzfe.


Thanks for the imuput. Think I'll just save up for a swap.