Turbo gage isnt working


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
I just bought my first toyota supra, 1988 turbo targa and my turbo gage isnt working, also i cant even here my turbo, is that normal? its just a stock turbo. the car runs great and seems to have good power, a bit or turbo lag though. if someone has answeres for me that would be great.


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
Ur turbo shouldnt be loud if u have a complete stock setup. If it is loud that not good, but if u have intake or bov, exhaust mods like those then it would be louder the gauges on the mkiii suck let me tell u half mine dont work i dont no what the deal is


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
should i be able to here it at all? if my turbo want working the car would run poorly right? how can i make my turbo loud? i here some cars when the turbo lets off u here a huge relese of air, is that because they are running lots of boost or could i make my stock turbo sound like that?


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
my turbo is completely stock and so is my exhaust, so far i have only put in a cold air intake and i can definatly here that when i rev the engine and let off.


Supra teacher 101
Apr 4, 2005
^ I was going to let Joel Take care of this one, but ima step in

Your Turbo is also on, even at idle its just not BOOSTING, and its not your turbo thats loud, and the "release of air" is called a Blow off Valve, your car has a stock one Yes, its not loud but its not quiet.. so your car should have a BoV, yes.

And Also.

Are you 100% sure your car has a turbo on it? Just not a turbo Gauge cluster and a turbo badge?

edit: stock is a Bypass valve


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
U can make ur stock turbo as loud as u wont u have to buy a Blow Off Valve it lets compressed air out of ur turbo voomvoom chhhheeee


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
yes i am 100% sure my car has a turbo. what is the difference between a waste gate and a blow off valve? i no were the waste gate is, directly behinde the turbo. i keep trying to here it but i cant tell.


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
i am only 18, and i just started getting into cars, i love the toyota supras and im just trying to learn as much oabout how my cars works as possible, and if my car is running perfectly.


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
wichita, ks
the waste gate is built into the turbine housing. you shouldnt be able to hear that. you should be able to hear the turbo spool up, however with all stock equipent its not very loud. now like everyone eles has said the pishhhhhh sound comes from the bov you should hear that when you shift. i hear mine when i let off the gas at around 2k-6k. if want to make it more apparent then you can get a k&n drop in air filter and an exaust to include the down pipe.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
The phssh will be more apparent if you have a manual vs a auto.If you have an auto,i doubt you'll hear it at all.
But things like this should be the least of your concerns.Don't be like every other 18 year old and slap on go fast parts and end up blowing the motor.
Depending on usage,you might have around,110-160,000 miles on the motor.DO MAINTENANCE FIRST! All your mods won't mean diddly if your base is shit! Change all fluids,reolace belts,hoses(ALL OF THEM),have the head re-tourqued.Start with a sound motor,and THEN put on exhaust,intake.Then you can go pshhh psshhh pssshhh all over town.


Feb 28, 2006
h burg, PA
yea haha supras run great for a month then have catasrtofic failure then fix it and it the same old story

but as to yrou question the bov and waist gate Q? you had

the blow of vlave is on the intake or intercooler pipe fo your turbo ( stock bypass valve is from the "3000" pipe to the accordian pipe) it is what relieves the pressure in the intercooler piping when you shift reducing compersor surge and hardness on th eturbo. that is what makes the wislte or shoosh sound in beween shifts.
the waist gate is the vlave that( on yoru stock turbo internal or a part of the exhaust housing, its the round thing underneath it witha small rod going into it. but internal or external they do the same thing. extenal wgs require a special manifold and are usualy used with an aftermarked or larger turbo. the perpose is however to release exhaust gases after yrou boost level is achieved if you had no waist gate yrou turbo would continue spooling faster and faster until it would blow up creating too much pressure. it only relieves exess pressure to maintain that turbo speed. iehter way the waist gate is what makes the bussing or wistle will under throttle. the blow off valve is heardin between whifts or after a heavy throttle let off in high gears if yoru blow off valve goes off while in gear and under throttle youve got a vacuum leak. hope i helped and sorry for the grammar


Feb 28, 2006
h burg, PA
supraman7mgte said:
The phssh will be more apparent if you have a manual vs a auto.If you have an auto,i doubt you'll hear it at all.
But things like this should be the least of your concerns.Don't be like every other 18 year old and slap on go fast parts and end up blowing the motor.
Depending on usage,you might have around,110-160,000 miles on the motor.DO MAINTENANCE FIRST! All your mods won't mean diddly if your base is shit! Change all fluids,reolace belts,hoses(ALL OF THEM),have the head re-tourqued.Start with a sound motor,and THEN put on exhaust,intake.Then you can go pshhh psshhh pssshhh all over town.

that is so true haha i am 18 and i did just this learned the hard way but now im set after about 2500 in engine bebuild, electronics and parts


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
maple ridge,BC
is a aftermarket blow off valve really going to fuck anything up, if i buy the right one? i wana get rid of as much turbo lag as i can without breaking anything.


New Member
Jul 8, 2006
An aftermarket bov is goin to help ur turbo not hurt it.
Damien_88 said:
is a aftermarket blow off valve really going to fuck anything up, if i buy the right one? i wana get rid of as much turbo lag as i can without breaking anything.


New Member
May 2, 2006
Mobile, Al
ok here we go a BOV is not responsible for lag it is responsible for your turbo not experiencing surge when you shift and the engine is no longer under load. surge is BAD. it's when the compresor and turbine are fighting to spin at the same time in the opposite direction. it's indicated by a fluttering noise.

Now for lag there are alot of factors in lag. Turbine and compressor housing ratio's and diameters. how much exhaust your pushing through that manifold and turbine housing and whether it's not ball bearing'ed in the center crtridge of the turbo(fyi the center of the turbo) and if available a ceramic compresor wheel. Now back to BOV's there are two versions of the same thing a BOV-Blow Off Valve does not recirculate the air that just went through your intake system it is spent out into the atmosphere. a BPV:By-Pass Valve does recirculate the air. a BPV puts the air back into the intake to go through the compresor AGAIN for a ready supply of air to the turbo and doesn't not cause your car to run AS rich vs. straight up Blow Off in which the turbo has to start all over again and since the air that was computed by your M.A.F.-Mass Air Flow sensor is not in your engine the computer sends a signal to the injectors and puts too much fuel into the engine because it expected more air. that's where that nice little ball of fire comes from when you shift.:evil2:
but if you recirculate the M.A.F. re-meters the air or reread's it and can somewhat compensate for the missing air. go to howstuffworks.com ok bro good luck and piece. oh and replace EVERYTHING that is rubber and make sure everything is with in tolerances in things like the head cams good compresion(still would redo the bottom end regardless) like someone else said these cars have at least 100,000 miles on them somethings gotta give. if you replace one thing it effects another period no if ands or buts.

ok guys that was alot to right and i'm sorrow if it's wrong but i lost track cause this kids needs to know ALOT before he can mess with a car like this not discouraging you it's GREAT experience if you can stick with it cause it is above beginners level.:icon_bigg