Turbo Dying?

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Formerly 3rdtimearound
Apr 12, 2005
Katy Texas
First off, I know what the death whine sounds like--the one when there is so much shaft play that the compressor actually scrapes the housing.
This is not the sound I am getting.

Car drives fine when off boost--sustained cruising.
Idle is fine, 22 inches of vacuum.

When going into boost--say 4-7 lbs, the sound is kinda a pppprrrruuuurrrr, like it is something turning. It not internal because it sounds so clear.

Boost comes on like usual with maybe just a little abnormality.

As soon as the boost bleeds off from less throttle input, the noise goes away.

Its not the stock BOV because I took it out of the loop for testing.

Turbo has a very small amount of shaft play

Did a boost leak test with my air compressor to 16 lbs, slow bleed off of boost
per my wife who was watching the gauge and call out the readings.

During my testing, the first few occasions to boost--no noise--thought it was the BOV, but no, more noise.

I have taken this shit apart to many times this evening and am tired as I just got home from work out of town and have to go back Monday morning.

Maybe someone could shed some light as this is not the death whine as I know it.




New Member
Nov 11, 2005
I think it mught be the blow off valve, doe the car cut in and out hard when it happens? and dose boost spike at all? I have the same problem replaced my turbo same thing, I'm prety sure it is my cheap bov so I order a good one today, I'll let ya know if it helps, but any one else have any thing to say, I would like to know what this problem is
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