Trying to decide on a new Digital Camera- Canon A520 or A610 - help? :)

Jun 13, 2005
Whattup peeps-

Hopefully this will be a benefit for others who are also currently in the market for a new digital camera.

I've definitely decided that I want to go with a Canon for my next digital camera, because I've heard so many good things about them - but I can't decide between the Canon A520 and the A620 - they both have tons of image modes, and even full control over all of the manual settings of a normal SLR professional camera. I love having the conveniece of packing a few extra AA rechargeables, and not having to spend 30-50 bucks on a spare lithium.

Here is the general rundown- These are the major differences I actually give 2 craps about:



Canon Powershot A520 costs about $150-200

-4 megapixel

-SD Memory card slot

-1.8" LCD Screen

-5 cm min Macro distance

-Max Aperture: F2.6 - F5.5

-Takes only 2 AA Batteries -supposedly they will last for 300 pics with the lcd on.




Canon Powershot A610 costs about $250-300

-5 megapixel

-SD Memory card slot (same)

-Slightly Larger 2" LCD Screen (SWIVEL, ROTATING lcd Screen- which I would use like all - the - time since I love taking low, and top-down shots; especially of cars)

-1 cm min Macro distance

-Max. Aperture: F2.8 - F4.1 (this seems like it's slightly smaller of a range, than the A520 - am I wrong???)

-Takes 4 AA Batteries -supposedly they will last for 500 pics with the lcd on. This makes the A610 slightly heavier, but that might not necessarily be bad - it could help you keep it more steady when shooting, you know?

LINK to more specs and reviews on both cameras:


So basically the a610 is about 100 dollars more. If I want to really go el-cheapo - and still stick with canon can go with the A510, which has all the same specs as the 4 megapixel a520 (even looks identical) - only it is a 3 megapixel cam.

I own a 3 megapixel HP which sucks ass (I have to use NeatImage on every picture, just to get all of the noise out - unless the lighting is PERFECT), but that has nothing to do with the imagesize - 3 is perfect if you'll never want to print bigger than 4 by 6 - or 5 by 8. Sometimes, you can squeak a little bit larger out of it, but me being a graphic designer, the ability to use some of my own photos in my work appeals to me. That's why I'm thinking a 5 megapixel camera might be a better choice for me, seeing that I don't want to spend over my $250 price budget.

What do you guys think? Will that difference in aperture range make much of a difference? I'm only a novice digital photographer, I really have stuck to point and shoots - and I slept through my photography class back in college (even passed with an A) so I didn't get much out of it technical-wise.

Thanks in advance - :)


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Buy the higher end camera. Go for the 3 megapixel older model if you need to, or if you think you can avoid using your pics anywhere except online. I own two of these already, and they are fantastic.

Jun 13, 2005
GrimJack said:
Buy the higher end camera. Go for the 3 megapixel older model if you need to, or if you think you can avoid using your pics anywhere except online. I own two of these already, and they are fantastic.

You have 2 of the 610s? Oh wow, that's good to hear. Thanks for the advice, bro - I think I should splurge and just get it...I am a graphic designer, and photography is getting to be like my new hobby. EEEtzz fuuun.

Jun 13, 2005
I just brought my SD memory car ddown to staples- stuck it in both cameras, and took similar shots - I noticed the A610 took the pics a heck of a lot faster, it just seemed much more responsive. I liked the screen a lot better, too. Not knocking the 520, but the swivel is really neat. I was pissed tho, because when I got home, I found out that the 520 camera was on vga / low-res picture mode, so they are only like 800 x 600. The 610 was set to 5 megapixel, tho - and the noise levels were pretty low. Most stores are a little dark and dingy, anyways. I might just try that scam again, next time I go back there, only I'll make sure the 520 is in the right picture mode. Some terd must have messed with it. I really wanted to do a good comparison.

Ugh...I'm having the hardest time deciding. It's just because you know it's not something you really NEED - it's just something that you gotta splurge on. Hey, what's money anyways, you have to enjoy at least some of it :) All work and no play, yada yada...I think what it all comes down to is -I'm a cheap bastard. LOL!


7M lover
Sep 29, 2005
Hey I work at Ritz camera, I can help you out... I own the A510 a nice little 3mp camera but, I would go for the A610. You won't see a difference between a 4 and 5mp camera until you make a 11x14 print. What makes the A610 kick ass is it has a super macro mode that allows you to take a picture 1cm! away from your subject! 1cm! It also has "My colors" it lets you swap colors like, if you want to change the color of your supra. You select the color you want to swap by (in color swap mode) aiming your camera at color A press left and color B press right and walla color swap! There are like 5 modes of My colors. Another cool one is you can shoot B&W and select one color to stand out. Also just to let you know the A610 and 620's only difference is the MP. Same with the A510 and 520. But yah check out the A610, put it on Av mode, press the func. button and play with the different modes. And to use super macro just press down.

Oh, aperture range isn't too important in point and shoots, but its fun to play with in close up shots. Small aperture (8.0) = more depth of field and large (2.6) = less depth of field. Maybe I'll post examples later from my A510... Hope this helps! Later on...

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
A510 & A520 = same series
A610 & A620 = same series

I worked at Canon until last month, so I've seen the entire range of cameras, and used a lot of them. Get the 600 series, it's much nicer IMO. Basically for the reasons you listed, and worth the extra cash.

Personally I wouldn't buy the A-series myself, I don't like the idea of using AA batteries at all. I want good Li-Ion batteries, which is why I stick with other Canon product lines. But, it's up to you, the batteries should last a good while with the Digic processors nowadays anyways, so no matter what, enjoy your camera. :)


Apr 4, 2005
i dunno about anybody else, but using 2 AA NiMH batteries with 2 on standy by is perfect. i always have a set charged and they last SUCH a long time. i have a fucji 1345 (a cheap 4.1mp) but it works perdfect and takes some damn nice shots..

a Li-Ion battery would be more usefull if youre doing lots of pro-style flash photograpyh, but i HATE flash photography so i use external light anyway...