Hey guys, been working on this thing for 3 years and everyday I am closer to losing this car due to the inability to keep it running for more than 3 months.... It my DD and I need it for school.... On sunday as I was heading for church when my car just simply stopped shifting into first gear..... When I got home I pulled some codes on the transmission and got 61 62 64..... The transmission was swapped about 8 months ago for a 1jz auto..... The selenoid wiring was not the same as my harness soo I had to solder the right wires... I assumed something went wrong and they came lose soo I got under there and checked it out confident that would be my problem but everything was in order.... I disconected the battery for a few min and then trieddriving the car around again to see the same codes appeared.... This time I only code 62.... The codes are pointing towards my lock up selenoid and my selenoid 1...... Problem is I know nothing of transmission and have no idea where to go from here, I do have some selenoids that I salvaged from my old transmission and was thinking of dropping the pan and putting it in but first I wanted to see what yall think... Any suggestions before I drop the pan.... Reason I dont want to drop the pan is because I have no $$ right now for a filter kit and new atf...... Any help would be greatly appriciate it
...... Thank you