TPS reversed?


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
So, in pursuit off my bogging after releasing throttle dilemma, I've decided to check the TPS. The ohms are out of spec, so i attempted to adjust the tps. So I undo the screws, and follow Jseaman and the TSRM and turn it counter clockwise till it reaches infinite resistance, then turn it back until it deflects.

here's where it gets weird, it's the reverse of that. Looking at the tps, and turning it clockwise will produce an infinite resiistance reading, and turning it anti clockwise will get it to deflect. What's going on? i'm confused? There was a little hesitation, and bog (400-500 rpms) for a second or two after letting off the throttle, and then returning to regular idle.

is there a way to properly install the TPS? the PO had replaced the tps, along with cps and other things, and gave me the old ones as well, so I think he had installed the tps wrong, like he did the cps.
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