

SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
gtsfirefighter said:
I'm redneck so we'll use a come-a-long and a big oak tree. Besides, the engine is sitting in the back of my truck. Any special wrenches or hex bolts etc...

Well we ended up using a tractor to lift the engine out of my truck and would you believe the f-ing tractors hydraulics screwed up and BAM!! Engine goes to the ground from about 2 feet. When I eventually overhaul the bottom end it will get a new oil pan now and hopefully it didn't fuck up the oil pump. I felt like total white trash but what the hell, it's a spare. I did get the head off and to my surprise some of the headbolts where very loose and some were so tight I about pulled the skin off my palms loosening them. Anyway, the head looks good still, it appears to have been recently overhauled. I'm taking it to a machine shop tomorrow to have it checked and resurfaced if necessary then will attempt to put it and a new HG on my current engine. There's a lot of shit under the intake I'm founding out. I hope I can remember where all the crap goes.:icon_conf