thermo fan question


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
what do u guys think of this setup

i will be running a koyo 53mm ally radiator and deciding what thermos i want to run.

ideally i would like twin 12" push type mounted directly to the front of the core (with the wire thingos)

i know pull type are slightly more efficient as they dont block incomming air but i want to hide the thermos under the radiator support

i was looking at either the FAL or SPAL 12"

heres a few question that i have raised

firstly, is mounting directly to the core a big no no??

at high speeds (lets say 200km/hr plus) will the pressure of the head wind blow the fins onto the core of the radiator (potentially damaging it)?

the FAL are rated at 20 amps with a combined cfm of 2500
yet the SPAL are rated slightly higher at 3260 CFM (or 2720 cfm depending on either 12 blade or 5 blad edesign) and 40 amps (so the site says even though they rayted at 14 amps individually) - is current draw or this order something to consider performace wise (factory electrical draw. headlights etc?)

and lastly, will the 5 blade be better then a 12 blade for NOT blocking frontal air even though it has a higher cfm rating?

if u guys know of any better quality fans or better ideas - please inform me

cheers in advance


Apr 1, 2005
pusher fans are highly ineffecient, not just slightly. i wouldnt recommend pusher fans as the only means of cooling the car.

i understand you want a cleaner look, but in the case function over form.

spal fans are nice, but yes they draw a ton of current.

you may also consider the zirgo zf12s. low current draw and 1650cfm each. mvp uses the zirgo fans for their electric fan kit. they run them on high horsepower cars in the heat of texas with no issues. they do however, run them full time, not on a temp switch.
there is a company that tests fans with a "fan dyno" and rated the zirgo very high for performance. you have to be careful how companies rate their cfm. they are often inflated. a good example would be one of the cheap car amps that are "500 watts". yeah 500 watts for a split second, at 1khz and signal clipping. in reality, its more like a 50 watt amp.

you will also want to build a shroud, as they will improve effeciency as well. if you mount the fans directly to the core, you will only flow 50-60% of the surface area. having a shroud will pull air thru 100% of the core.


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
searching for virgo thermos - their 12" is stated as 1229 CFM but that is the ZFB12s

(incase the dont list all their products on their site)

does running thermos permanantly a good idea for high speeds?


Apr 1, 2005
they make 4 different 12" fans. you'll have to search around to find the ones i listed. it is on their website, but you have to put in the part number in the search box to find them.

i dont think it would be required to run full time if used as a puller. you would for sure in pusher. and i still dont know if it would be effective at cooling. running in puller high speeds shouldnt have much effect.

used as a puller with the pwr radiator my car runs cool, and not required to run full time. ive sat in heavy traffic for over 2 hrs in 35C temps and my water temp never got above 87C. the fans i had at the time were only 2700 cfm total, used with a shroud.

if you only drove the car on a limited basis, or drag race only you might be able to get away with using the fans as pushers. you could always try and see how it works. but i dont suspect it will very well.


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
i dont run aircon so sitting in traffic in 40 degree day with aircon blasting is irrelevant.

since i got no aircon (and therfore codenser) theres so much room under support its screaming to be utilised. the fact that u cant run a shroud if pushing makes install alot easier and cheaper to instal

atm, i have a stock clutch fan with no shroud and a stock radiator which i THINK might be semi blocked and i have no issues with over heating at idle. the car has a 82 degree thermostat and it sits at 82 degrees

its only when im giving the car shit that the temperature creaps up to the 90-92 degree mark after repeated high speed runs (hence me leaning towards thinking radiator might be semi bvlocked and cant flow the volume of water the pump is trying to displace)...btw i have a new water pump.

im gonna go search for specific thermo fan :).......


New Member
Jan 10, 2006
well sussed out the zirgo model that u specified dbsupra90

they seem to be a goer atm since they claim to flow more, are a fair degree thinner, use less amps and the blades can be reveresed so if the push configuration doesnt work, i can revert back to pull

fingers crossed they ship to australia