I have a 89' 2JZ running off of 1JZ electronics. Took it down to the drag strip, launched pretty hard, got some shaking and wheel hop from the rear end which shook the whole car pretty good, got up to about 5K in 1st gear and the car just died. Like all the electronics were still on but the SAFC neo turned off and I lost the check engine light meaning either the ecu fried or it lost power. I can give the neo 12V where it hooks to the main power wire for the ECU and it will turn on meaning the ecu ground is good (cause the neo shares that as well) but the ecu still wont give me a check engine light with the key on. Does the ECU control the main relay? I cant feel it clicking when my buddy turns the key on and off. Everything electronic in the car works perfect so my hypothesis of shaking a ground or power wire loose is out the window. Tried bypassing the main relay to no avail, all my wiring looks as good as the past 1500 miles when the car ran perfect. Checked all the fuses they all look good, went over all my wiring, all looks solid. Something so random like this has to be something simple but I just cant find it. Even opened up my ECU but it looks fine, ill try swapping it out with a known good one and see, its got to be a wire, a chassis relay, or the ecu.