Tell us a bit about yourself... Random Facts.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
I kinda stormed this idea from Supraforums as I read shit wrong and posted a bunch of random shit about myself. If you want, start off with a pic...and just post a lil bit about you. even the imperfections. cause we all should know..the greatest thing about life is your imperfections, for they set you apart from everyone else.

I guess ill start it off here..ill start off with a good pic of me drunk from 5 beers, 4 double shots of jack, 2 four-horsemen, white russian, and something else.

things about me:
I was born in the philippines, but I am more American than most people are.
I never want to move out of Texas..this is the best state in the USA.
I have a very big problem with committment...thats why i keep having new gf's and keep selling and buying cars.
I am a former military brat....all my friends I have now are friends i plan on keeping for the rest of my life.
I love to get drunk at resturaunts
I love to go to bars that have kareoke because I love to sing kareoke
I choose rediculous songs because I know itll get me the most pussy at the end of the night.
I love going to strip clubs that ARENT so high end because i dont want to feel like a broke ass infront of super rich people.
i think strippers are awesome and I support single moms.
I love to wear hats and shirts that make people laugh
Im always the comedian in the group with the stories, so i try my best to remember shit thats happened for future conversation.
Texans and BBQ and beer are some of the best mixes in life
I masturbate quite often...even though I have a gf
All my ex girlfriends wanna get back with this day, i still dont know why.
I love knowing that Im the popular guy in the group which people talk good things about me when im away and im the first person they call when they wanna do something fun.
two women i would kill and die for is my mom and my neice...the rest come and go, but my family will always be close .
my dad is my best friend...i cant imagine my life without him.
I dont cry when bad shit happens to me, but i cry at sad movies for some reason.
I have a spending obsession with movies
I love to drive cars, i know how to work on them and do whatever i want with them, but i absolutley hate working on cars.


Mar 29, 2006
Dublin, CA
wow, i cant sit down and write about myself like that.
uhm, IMA GIRL!
i know more about cars than most men/boys do.
i dont trust people.
im VERY independent/mature for being 18.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
Lets see a little bout myself

My Nickname is Fuzz, its just not a screen name
Ima black male, 23 years old tryin to graduate college forever
I dont know jack bout cars im sure jenny knows more than me ;)
ive been born and raised here in the Bluegrass state
Thats about it, the dull life i live


New Member
May 17, 2005
Calgary AB
A little about my self:

I was born in Poland
Arrived in Canada when I was 8 years old in 1988
Just got married
I work for the Calgary Health Region
My job title is Project Coordinator
I own a 2 year old Chocolate Lab
My Mk3 has been on jacks for about 2 years now.
Winter beater is a Mk3 VW Golf.

Anyways ........Merry Christmas to all!!!

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
Im Kyle.
Im really 6'8" tall, no lie.
My feet REALLY Are that big.
I am skinny
no, I dont play basketball, I hate that shit.
I know im tall, you dont need to state it.
I love the 80's
I love my 80's cars
I love going fast
I love pasty white girls with piercings and tattoos all over
I love my new car
Blue and green are my fav colors
I enjoy eating cheeses, espically melted
I love music, it is my life
I hate school
Im scared of heights
I love to talk online (nirvana 4226 = aim)
Im 80% myspace whore
I like to help hurt people(odd)
Im ugly

I work at starbucks with Jenny,
Thats me
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XBL: Mkiii DriFt3r
May 22, 2005
honolulu, california
my turn...

im justin
i just turned 18 last month
i just got my permit the same day i turned 18
i dont drive yet
my supra is in eagle rock
i love my supra
im considered tall by most filipinos (5' 10")
i used to be fat and then i went slim and now im chubbs
i like filipino/asian women
im the youngest out of 3
i like blue/white/green and thats about it...
i love filipino food
i love my family, and its always family first with me
i get along with my mom more than my dad
i cook
i clean
my friends come to me with thier problems because they know i can help
i like to play badminton (its fun)
school is what ever to me
i try to get by in school
and yeah...i guess ill add more later. oh and here i am...

this was me fat


this was me slim


and this is me now


oh yeah i love my dog...



That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Hmm well lets see:

Was hospitalised for 6 months in 1989 due to a hit & run driver, shattered femur & fractured skull
Had to learn to walk all over again
Have an unusually high IQ (186 as recorded by MENSA)
Went to a private school on a government scholarship
Used to work in the DTP & Pre-press industry
Complete Computer Geek
Total Electronics Geek
80's TV whore - MacGyver, Knight Rider, Airwolf & The A-Team = win.
*still* single, despite being 24.
I'm a damn good cook
I have a short attention spa-- oooh shiny!
I can wire a house
I can put up stud walls
I can lay marble flooring & granite slabs better than most trained pro's
I know how to mix mortar, hardcore & concrete.
I know how to rebuild a 2 foot thick granite wall
I know how to put a slate roof on a house
I'm a closet alcoholic ;)

Cant think of anything else right now :p

Someone wanna employ me now? :biglaugh:


Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
Uhhhhhh, lets see, I'm Chad. But i think you can figure that out.

  • 16, Senior this year. (Yeah I skipped a grade- I turn 17 right before I grad)
  • 6'3" and 225 ish
  • Got my permit the first day I could (DMV was closed on actual day)
  • I've been obsessed w/ cars forever, known how to drive since I was like 7, been playing w/ driving since like 2 (sit on mom's lap and spin the wheel in parking lots w00h00)
  • I'd say I'm pretty smart.
  • Geeky, laid back. Yet very OCD & Type A. Don't ask how that goes w/ laid back....
  • Love computers, math and science
  • Friends come to me a lot for advice on, well, life, everything
  • Went to Stanford over summer for some classes (yeah-I'm nerdy)
  • Have an awesome, gorgeous girlfriend.
  • Love politics
  • Super, super sarcastic
  • White as white can be on the outside, not at all on the inside :p
  • Fav foods: Japanese, Italian (Pesto FTW), and Middle Eastern
  • I drive a monster truck 4x4 for my DD. Oops, I meant Supra on stock bad.
Yeah thats me
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Yup, Thats The G/F
Jul 14, 2006
Bay Area, Ca
mattjk said:
Impressive bio, Chad. :)

ok, what's with naming your car?

I should name mine.

I like Laquifa.
I was bored, can ya tell :p

Eh, I had a whole bunch of people who kept on insisting I should name it. My girlfriend said I should, she came up with a bunch of ideas for me over like 2 weeks since I couldn't think of anything/didn't actually care enough to think hard about it lol. Actually thats one of the names she came up with. I was down to Chelsea or Brooke. So there she is. lol.

EDIT: Quinne?? I feel so sorry for her...... :biglaugh:
Its OK, lots of people don't like Brooke.
HellsLegion said:
His engine isnt as clean as the outside of the car =X
Mine? Psh you should see it now with the mis-routed hoses and other crap....


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
I'm Chad as well

I got my license @ 8:36 the morning of my 16th bday(DMV opens @ 8:30)

my first car was a mk3 supra.

it went boom

I now have an 89 civic as a DD and a '73 mercedes 450SEL as a project.

both of my cars are named(mercedes=boris, honda=bitch)

I'm 18 right now. and have a 22 year old japanese girlfriend *happy dance*

goin for a transfer degree to a university, but also making money as a skate photographer on the side.

more info and a couple pics when I et home.