Tail-light fuse


14 psi boost
Dec 5, 2007
Selah, WA
Hey guys so I was recently doing Shaeff's 12V mod (with no sucess by the way, keeps blowing my efi fuse everytime I crank it over, not sure why??) and after giving up I returned everthing to normal and went to drive my car, and when I turned on my headlights the taillights and interior lights werent working. So I checked the fuse in the kickpanel and it was blown, and replaced (w/ correct 15amp fuse), tried again and it blew yet again. So I looked in the TSRM and the only info it gives is about a Tail-light relay, could this be my problem? Where is it located? What else should I check?
any info about the tail-lights or why my 12V mod isnt working (made sure ground was good, got relay wired up right, inline 20amp fuse, 10 gauge wire, bypassed the fuel pump relay/resistor, also tried with them still installed, same result of blown efi fuse) would be greatly appriciated!!


Turbo Swapper
Aug 9, 2007
Is there anything in the tail lights that doesn't take 12V? What would a 12V tail light mod be?

If you're blowing fuses, start looking for grounded wires.

Edit: Sorry, that was, of course so obvious that it shouldn't need saying...

Start with any wires that you may have changed, in locations where you changed them.

Did you put any screws through sheet metal? Where in the back of the car were you working?


14 psi boost
Dec 5, 2007
Selah, WA
Yeah, I basically just followed the tutorials here on sm, I only drilled for the ground and I did it by where the rear seats connect to the frame rails, same spot that I grounded my amps. So I didnt change any wiring or anything, I only cut the fuel pump wire that goes into it to splice it into the relay. So I dont get why all the sudden they wont work unless that tail-light relay (where it is I have not a clue) mentioned in the TSRM is bad somehow?? So yeah, any ideas anyone? I know the fuse is supposed to be a 15amp should I up it to twenty and see if it still blows?
Any help is greatly appriciated!


14 psi boost
Dec 5, 2007
Selah, WA
Ok, So I swapped the 15amp fuse with a 20 and strangely enough it didn't blow but the tail-lights/running lights worked for about 10 mins. Then it blew, so when I changed it again, it immediately blew, so I tried a 25 and that blew and made my stereo sound like shit! So I started thinking that I had linked them somehow, but the only thing I have touched electrically lately was the 10 gauge I ran from the battery to the trunk (connected to the battery where I connected my 4 gauge lead for my amps, and ran along the right side of the car opposite the RCAs) So I am stumped as to what could be causing the fuse to blow. Obviously the bigger fuse thing didn't work, well it did for a while and now no luck. Does any one have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!!