Symptoms of a Dying Rack?


Broke and Lovin It
Sep 13, 2007
Central Ma / Cape Cod Ma
Hey all,

So over the course of the last 6 months, i have overhauled pretty much my entire steering system, Ball joints, bushings, tie rods, shimmed the column, and all of them did need replacing. i wasn't just throwing parts at a mystery problem.

but I still have play in the steering (i can wiggle the wheel back and forth 5-10 degrees in either direction with no response)...and now on the highway, if i let go of the wheel, it wiggles left and right all on its own, not much, but maybe 2 degrees left and right. and holding the wheel, it feels like one of the wheels is trying to move separately from the other. But the all the components between the rack and the wheel are new and properly adjusted.

The car has 185,XXX on it, so I could see the rack being fatigued by this point. But for anyone out there who has had a rack go bad, what were your symptoms?

I have the opportunity to get a used rack at a good price right now, but if this does not sound like a rack problem, i would really rather not waste the money.

Thanks again guys,



On the road again..
Dec 9, 2007
I had a rack go bad, but that wasn't my symptom (150k miles). The steering wheel never had an ounce of play, in fact, every rock in the road seemed to turn the wheel. Steering was a bit of a labor. Turning corners was a two-handed event. Then it started leaking PS fluid, but only around corners, such as turning into my garage. I replaced the rack with a stock one, but it was like a whole new experience. I could take those corners with just one hand. The steering is wonderful, no play in the wheel, but I don't "feel" every rock in the road either. Very responsive. Not an upgrade, per se, but it felt like one!

I've driven cars with alot of play in the steering column (jugodegolf) ;) It was a bit scary driving his car because I felt I couldn't control it.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 25, 2008
Gardena, California
I had the rack go out after 152,000. Steering felt good, but the seals blew out. Dripping PS fluid when parked. I was told, you could not oversize the seal bores and replace them. So I replaced the rack.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
So you replaced the rack bushings?

Both inner and outter tie rods?

It's not a hard problme to diagnose (get the car in the air and try to wiggle stuff)


Broke and Lovin It
Sep 13, 2007
Central Ma / Cape Cod Ma
i didnt replace the rack bushings, but checked them out, no cracking or anything. both inner and outter tie rods done, and nothing seems to really wiggle under the car. no leaking fluid.

however steering is very heavy. is there anywhere other than the crash link in the column where play usually develops?


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Get someone to steer the car lock to lock while you look at the rack. It's pretty common for them to get tired and allow the rack to move...


Pronounced Tek-DAY-us
Jan 23, 2006
Vancouver Canada
My car had a worn U-joint in the intermediate steering shaft in the engine bay. It was one of the most brutal jobs to replace! I still have some steering play and I know part of it is from my rack bushings. (the rack was seen to be moving a bit when turning the wheel on a hoist)