kwnate said:
Too bad its started to rain... I woulda like to race Tom from a dig but thats alright. Nice to meet you last night matt and I really like your car! Good to see the kyles again too.
Everyone started to run over to Tom when he was burning them off. I saw a bunch of white smoke and thought it was his HG :aigo: Way to go man, you not only scared them, you also impressed them
Good times guys, hope my sup is up for it next time
It was supposed to be sunny all weekend too.
Oh well.
Good night,
had a fun time racing tom.
I think he screwed up something in his rear though?
Matt-it was good meeting you and welcome to the supra scene my friend! Hope to see some more of you, looks like we have some more stuff in common other than supra's as well.
andddd kyle, once my new EFI sensor with the wiring gets here, do you want to give me a hand soddering and stuff? You were saying you could. Let me know what your schedual is like this week. I have tuesday and thursday off, but the sensor isn't shipping till monday, so it should be here by thursday I hope. If not, we should see if we can do something with the wiring I have for now.
I dunno.
I think that honda blowing his engine right before racing me made my night. I was hearing it was pretty quick though.
Can't wait to get my MHG and ARP's and turn up the boost a bit. Then fuel mods and really turn up the boost.
and nate, it would've been a waste to bring your car, no one would've wanted to race you
I want a ride once you get the beast up and running man. and I want a shot at the blazer once I Get my MHG