So here's the thing my cra is throwing code 71. It has done this be for due to my ignorence in the Temp sensor not being connected. I fixed that and the code went away for about 2,500 miles.
Tonight on my way home it came back :: angry ::
Everything is connected properly i just dont understand.
One question i do have (exuse my ignorence on this) Could extreme Temp change or humidity increase cause it to act up?
The wheather the past 2 days went from 110F 0-3% humidity to 75F 75-90% humidity.
Also another existing problems on my car is the TPS Sensor is throwing code 41.
I also have hit fuel cut rarely
I was throwing code 24 but i but a different air flow Meter on it from a 87 Turbo about 250miles ago. My car is a Grey Plug 89.
Someone please clue me in. maybe help explain something im overlooking or just not understanding.
Thank-you all in advance
Tonight on my way home it came back :: angry ::
Everything is connected properly i just dont understand.
One question i do have (exuse my ignorence on this) Could extreme Temp change or humidity increase cause it to act up?
The wheather the past 2 days went from 110F 0-3% humidity to 75F 75-90% humidity.
Also another existing problems on my car is the TPS Sensor is throwing code 41.
I also have hit fuel cut rarely
I was throwing code 24 but i but a different air flow Meter on it from a 87 Turbo about 250miles ago. My car is a Grey Plug 89.
Someone please clue me in. maybe help explain something im overlooking or just not understanding.
Thank-you all in advance