Ok i have an 87 turbo 5spd, i have a full 2.5in exaust(No Cats), the K&N FIPK, and an autometer Vac/Boost gauge. The car just started doing it today(Mid 40s outside) when i shifted into 2nd from 3rd, i got to second under 2500RPM and nailed to pass a car and as soon as it hit atmospheric pressure it fell on its face from 0 to 5.5-6psi then it pulled hard all the way too 10psi. Now it stumbles when you feather it at idle, backfires like a 12gauge, and sometimes stalls. im thinking the CSI, but i also took of my factory afm and am using one from another supra turbo. So before i throw the ol' DMM at this bitch, SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME OPINIONS!