Strange Incident and Code 11 Please Help Thanks


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
Recently as in two nights ago I was on my way home from work, going down my normal route, as I turn on my street from the stop light I give it a little gas as boost up to 5psi and let off that's when I hear this strange sound and a few seconds later I notice my power steering is gone. I look down and my tach is at 0 the engine had died. The temp gauge was a little bit over half but came back done a second later. I steered to the side of the road where I attempted to restart the motor as I figured it was because my BOV is vented. I crank the motor and notice my temp gauge spikes up and gets pegged each time its cranked, the engine didn't start. When in the on position the temp gauge is reading at normal levels but when its cranked it goes nuts.

So I couldn't get it started and called my father to help me push the car home, while I waited I checked for codes and got 11, and did a look over the engine, there was nothing out of the oridnary my coolant was fine I wasn't overheating, oil looked good. Once the car was home my dad and I did a look over the cars electrical components. Apparently there was no power going to the igniter as he tried to trace the problem using the 88 Supra Electrical Diagrams.

While im at work he said he cleaned all the contacts to see if it would start, and it did, and there were no codes it read "OK" The next day however I check them in the morning and there's still code 11. I don't want to drive the car in fear of getting stranded again What else should I be looking for or at. I recently did a head swap but everything was connected back the way it should be as I followed the TSRM, all grounds are connected.

Help Would be appreciated if I left out any details that could help please let me know



Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
jdub;1122467 said:
I assume the EFI fuse was pulled to clear the codes?

During the headswap the EFI fuse was pulled on an off.

That night my dad has the battery disconnected for about three minuetes.

GrimJack> The ground on the on the back of the manifold I checked and its connected could it be the wiring?
