Steering suspension issue and what else to do when installing tokicos?


New Member
Dec 20, 2011
Metropolis IL
I've seem to have a problem with my steering that I noticed not too long after I got my supra. If I turn my wheel all the way to one side while turning slowly, like in a parking lot I will get a loud snaping noise with a sort of upward jerking movement. I'm pretty sure It happens more often when backing out. But dose it either way forwards and back and both ways when the wheel is turned. Not to long ago I had it snap particulary loud and hard and It seemed to affect my steering stabiltiy....

I asked about It at a local tire shop when I was seeing about new breaks and tires. Wanted to make sure a tie rod wasn't going to snap off. So they lifted it and checked and felt the play in the bushings and ball joints the dude said they didn't feel really bad. Then he drove it around the lot and got it to snap and jerk and said I've got a bad strut mount or two. But he never looked at those just drove it. So hows that sound to you guys?? I've read about steering stop bolts (think thats what they where referred to as) and how they can cause a similar issue.

Also I bought a set of tokico lilluimna IIs and some springs, should I go ahead and just buy all new mounts for them aswell? I've been looking at mounts and have seen some that are for converting to non tems and a lot of just non-tems. Havent seen any that say they are specficlly for TEMs units on most major parts stores. Any ideas on some mounts I should be looking at If I need them?

One last thought what about bushings and ball joints. Should I replace those while the suspensions apart when the tokicos are going in? Cause its gonna have to have an alingment afterwards anyways.

Thanks for any help guys.