Steering issues...


New Member
May 28, 2006
North Bay Cali
when I had my 1j swapped the mechanic also swapped the steering rack from the 1jz clip. I need to buy a steering gear box becuase my shit is jumping all over the road and I was wondering if they were the same for 7M and 1JZ and if they are why would my mechanic swap in the japanese steering rack? Also it turns only one turn to the right before lock and the full 1 1/2 to the left:icon_conf if anybody can figure that one out.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Unless the Clip was from Europe or the USA it would have been RHD so someone is talking shit to you on this.

As for the lock to lock thing only way I can see that happening is if the tie rod is ALL the way in on one side and all the way out on the other, either way it's dangerous and needs to be checked before you drive any more (by a mechanic that knows what he's doing)