starting down the BHG trail?


New Member
May 17, 2006
So I spun some bearings in my old motor (NA), swapped in a jdm one(also NA) (replaced main seals,cam seals, water pump, timing belt, timing belt tensioner,cam cover gaskets, oil pump, but we did NOT do headgasket which was dumb). We had slightly lower compression on #2 and figured maybe it was the rings or something). So like the week after we got it in and running (thanks to some of you guys). I took it up to the tail of the dragon ( my friend is in the white rx-7 ) and it performed great. It drank a tiny bit of coolant during this time and was ran very hard (I made most of the dragon in 2nd and 3rd gear) and I flogged it a couple times on the drive up and the drive back. Since then I've been easy 90% of the time but it has been drinking coolant more so lately if I let it get in the power band. I go through about an overflow tank for every 1/2tank of gas if I'm lucky and take it real easy. I have no visible signs of leakage on the ground when I park. HOWEVER I also do not have choclote milk oil, visible white smoke when I flog it (I do have a puff of black smoke, but I attribute that to fuel advance when I stomp it. I have had a friend follow me down the highway to confirm no white smoke) or bubbling in the radiator after starting cold and watching it until it warms up. These are the things I've been told to look for if there is a BHG issue.

So my question is, does it sounds like a very mild case of bhg and that it's only going to get worse or need my fears lay elsewhere?


New Member
May 17, 2006
89Joe said:

Thanks so much! I was looking for a thread like this. Chances are I have BHG, but I will continue to fight it until certain. The one thread linked to the thread you sent me said something about if you can smell coolant burning in the engine bay then it's likely a leak as you should only have that coolant smell near the tailpipe. I have that smell in the engine bay, so maybe I'm lucky. I'm going to go get a pressure test and hydrocarbon test done and see what I can find out.

Thanks for the help guys.

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
if you can, i'd go ahead and take car of that asap, at least that way, if it's not the head gasket, you'll know to look elsewhere + you'll have the security of the new gasket