Springs and ride quality


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
Okay, I have spent about 3 hours searching/reading up on all the posts about springs. I hate to start yet another suspension thread, BUT - I am going to anyway!

Every thread I looked at boiled down to a discussion on ride height. I would love some suggestions related to springs based on ride quality. This car is a daily driver, but I do not mind a stiff ride, I just want to avoid any unnecessary harshness in the occasional pothole.

It has been suggested I go with Eibach progressive rate springs. Now, I understand every vehicle has different dynamics, but I had Eibach's on my Volvo S60R and I hated them. They were great on the highway, but in a small pothole or bump (including just a small bump on the track) it seemed that the spring compressed too quickly through the "soft" part and ended with a violent crash.

They were so bad, I thought they were defective and sent them back for replacement. I put in the new set, and indeed it was just how they were. I hate to compare two completely different situations, but my experience is really making it hard to purchase eibach's (or progressive rate) again.

I will be installing new Tokico Illumina's with these springs and would really love some input as far as RIDE QUALITY. Any help is appreciated as always!


Almost civilian status...
Jun 26, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I have Arospeed springs and KYB GR-2 struts. They ride so smooth even over pot holes and it lowers it about 2''.
Last edited:


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
I have the tokico Illumina II's w/ eibach pro kit.

so far i've noticed that on flat ground and sweeping corners its nice and stiff. BUT i feel i made a mistake using the illuminas w/ these springs because they were made for the stock setup and not the 1.5'' drop so i feel i dont have the same suspension travel.

I keep them on full firm and driving on a bumpy road or short potholed driveway the car is rock hard and so are the bumps. Now i just worry about blowing a strut.

If i could go back i'd still get the eibach's but different struts. Or keep the Illuminas and get SS springs.

the struts and springs are awsome but i've been getting feedback that they're not the best thing together. It is nice to keep the TEMS though.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
with those shocks, ST springs hands down. Liniar and the ride is stock like, although I also have ST sway bars.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
bluepearl said:
with those shocks, ST springs hands down. Liniar and the ride is stock like, although I also have ST sway bars.

Feel free to suggest other shocks as well, I got a killer deal on the illuminas, so I can sell them on ebay without issue.

I really do like the tems system though. So, if their is a specific spring suited to this shock that would be nice to know.

ST springs do sound good, and linear spring rate appeals to me.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
I have H&R springs and I like the ride. They are decently stiff but I never feel they are harsh. I have them paired with Tokico HP's and they seem to dampen these springs just fine. Some shy away from these springs due to their ride height but I am very pleased with the way they perform and I dont mind being really low.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
I use the illuminas because I wanted to keep TEMS and i don't need a super performance handling car. I wanted slightly better than stock and that is what my spring, shock and sway bar package gave me. I like it and if thats the type of performance gain you want you will like it too. Just like anything else, you will get many differant opions on what works best for the person. How do you want your car to perform? Depending on your needs, there are plenty of people here to get you closer to what you want. Before you even install new springs, make sure all your alignment eccentrics are free to move so you can get it aligned properly after your upgrade. If you put the best springs on that money will buy, the car will still handle like crap because all the wheels will be pointing in a differant direction.


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
bluepearl said:
I use the illuminas because I wanted to keep TEMS and i don't need a super performance handling car. I wanted slightly better than stock and that is what my spring, shock and sway bar package gave me. I like it and if thats the type of performance gain you want you will like it too. Just like anything else, you will get many differant opions on what works best for the person. How do you want your car to perform? Depending on your needs, there are plenty of people here to get you closer to what you want. Before you even install new springs, make sure all your alignment eccentrics are free to move so you can get it aligned properly after your upgrade. If you put the best springs on that money will buy, the car will still handle like crap because all the wheels will be pointing in a differant direction.

I am not looking to go extreme, so by your description, it sounds like a good setup for me.

As far as being able to align the car, what are the issues if my adjustment points don't move? Is this fixable? My buddy owns an alignment shop, so he does all of my alignments for me. What type of repairs need to be done if their are issues?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
bluepearl said:
If it's true that your freind is what you say, he will know what to check.

Well, I will be bringing it to him as soon as I decide/buy the springs. Either way, I guess I'll have to take care of it, if it's not right...


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
I just had my car aligned w/ the eibachs and illuminas and the 1.5'' drop up front was about to max out the front adjustment cam.

Are there camber kits out there for our cars?


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
americanjebus said:
I just had my car aligned w/ the eibachs and illuminas and the 1.5'' drop up front was about to max out the front adjustment cam.

Are there camber kits out there for our cars?

Good Question...

how's the ride???


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
ive got a KYB GR-2 and eibach pro kit combo. i like how the car is on smooth pavement and around corners, but over bumps it is a little harsh. also the frame rails are about 6 inches off the ground, so its really low. i would not sudjest this setup on a daily.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
dugums said:
Good Question...

how's the ride???

FIRM. There are some crappy roads the further downtown i get and i can feel the bigger cracks. Not enough to say spill my drink in the cup holder though but enough for it to be noticeable.

White Zombie

New Member
Feb 1, 2007
Hampton , VA
Im like you DuGums looking for feedback on different setups. So Im not shooting blind when i buy a set of springs.
With Tein SS spring rates being almost double the stock rate does anyone have these? Are they Filling Looseners?!


New Member
Feb 27, 2007
New York
i had a post about BG prings..anyone else experience those springs..they drop the car even all around..1.6inches..i am debating between those springs and h and r's which is 1.6 in front and back is 1.3 vs bg springs which is 1.6 all around.


Drafting, not tailgating
May 18, 2005
HippieTown, CA
I've had a few set-ups (on this car and others) and here is what I can say:

KYB anything: sucks balls. These are cheap gas shocks that worthy of a buick, not a sports car. They are inconsistent (shock to shock) and go soft when driven hard. If you are on a budget, save your money.

Eibach: Don't like them either. Not that I have anything against progressive springs (pending your driving habits) but these are way too soft (initially) and then way too stiff (bigger bumps). no shock on the market can equally handle these extremes.

Koni (currently on car): their ok. Why I say ok is they are a bitch to adjust, but the real problem is getting them adjusted right - a 1/4 turn of adjustment is not equal across the spectrum. And unless you have a shock dyno good luck at getting them matched.

Tanabe (on car) springs: These are also a progressive spring. little stiffer than stock and not a bad ride. Turn in is a little soft (due to progressive) but don't load up as much as eibach. overall, better than i expected.

JIC c/o: car handled like it was on rails. rode like it too. The only car I could never hang with was a very tricked out miata when driving hwy9 in the SC mountains. You bay area guys should know what I'm talking about. ditched it for the above set-up.

When I do it again? looking into a set of bilstein c/o's. There is a great thread in the RR section over on SF about this. read it here: http://supraforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=339951

There is also some good info here about suspension set-up that anybody looking to improve the handling of their car should read anyway: http://farnorthracing.com/autocross_secrets.html


Better, Faster, Stronger
Apr 10, 2007
Chicago, IL
Well, I really appreciate all of your suggestions. I have decided to scrap the idea of the Illumina's w/ springs. I will just sell the Illumina's for now, and when I get a chance, just take the plunge and get some coilovers.

Thanks again for all of the suggestions!


Supra =
Aug 19, 2005
Downey, California, United States
I have the KYB GR-2 + JDM 2.5TT Springs... They lower the car maybe around ~1.3 all around, so it isn't slammed, but it is noticeably lower than the stock ride height.

Ride quality is good also, I have to problems with the KYB's they are great.

Although, I do get a little more body roll than I would like, but I think a set of upgraded sway bars would take care of that.