special adapter harness when 86.5 radios were gone??

As i was reading up on my stereo installation delema, i came across this. Could someone explain this.... please:1zhelp:

A. Find a rare, but extremely useful adapter made by Toyota specifically for this type of installation. Toyota had many leftover 86.5 cars in 1987, but all the 86.5 radios were gone. So they came up with this adapter harness that allowed dealers to put newer 87 radios into the 86.5 cars. I got mine from Jeff Watson for less than 10 dollars. If you can find one of these adapters, it's the best and easiest way to go.

B. Find someone who has a 1987+ harness you can cut and splice into your wires. A request to the Supra list might find you the part, or I've priced it at 25.00 new from Nippon Direct. I didn't do this procedure, so I would suggest checking a good manual to see if the wiring scheme changed at all from year to year. Be aware that there isn't a whole lot of slack in these wires, so working on them will be tricky.

Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
Adapter harness is discontinued, it wasn't just used for the Supra though, it was used for a few models when they changed the harness. Regardless, it can't be had from Toyota any longer.
I have been looking for a way to put in the harness for my new stereo, not new but a newer one i had to replace after my other one was stolen. Its wierd cuz I bought the exact same model i had in there... thinking.. plug and play... but nope... the plug doesnt fit...ugh!!!! How is that possible? I dont get it... same model stereo as far as i can see/tell. but the plug is different, I have to replace it...

Pioneer deh p4800mp did pioneer have a change in harness for this model? or did i get the wrong one without realizing it??? the other plugs in the back seem to be the same... as far as i can tell.

I cant find a description for the current harness i have in there now so that i can install the new one you know match the colors with what the car has