sorry guys =(


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
its a long story.. more fucking stupid ass drama so if you cant handle the heat get outta the kitchen.

I went to kaiser and they will NOT do my surgery because i have cmsp health coverage.. which they will not take.. they expected full amount of cash at time of surgery.. which obviously i dont have.

So after this i went to another hospital where i had another MRI and had my medical records forwarded from kaiser to memorial hospital in santa rosa... Well my MRI revealed a decently sized mass in my sinus.. directly under the brain.

They weighed me again and were wondering why i have lost 18 pounds since the 3rd of january... my face is starting to kinda suck up and look boney..i am normally around 140-145 at 5'10", now im about at 122..So more hospital hopping.. im now going enbetween lower lake, (my dads) kaiser for files, (santa rosa), memorial ( for my doctor), and ukiah ( for my specialist )

When at memorial and kaiser... both doctors were immensley concerned that i may have cancer in my upper sinus, which flaired my tonsils and adnoids, they think it has been there for a while, because there is also alot of damage to my sinuses, and throat. both doctors shoved a gayass camera through my nose which hurt like hell , and one did one in my throat. im now on 8 prescriptions.. which completely fuck me over.. my body really isnt liking the prednisone, which i take 60MG a day.. i also take antihistimines, anti-inflamitory, antibiotics, and i go to the doctor twice a week now.

I lay in bed pretty much everyday now feeling useless, feeling like im decaying, lonely, and pissed.. i try to get up and do shit.. but after about an hour, i feel like i ran a marathon or something, and i just pass out for the rest of the day... my body hurts so goddamn bad and i want it to stop... anyways i have an appointment in ukiah to see my e.n.t. specialit next week.. and they mentioned something about doing surgery within two weeks.. the first surgery will be to remove tonsils, adnoids, and try to repair damage, and also take a small biopsy of the unknown entity, so they are saying at the least 3 surgeries total.

ANYWAYS.. on top of all that its been pretty god damn lonely and depressing here in lake county. After losing christi, my job, my house, im feeling pretty pathetic staying at my dads rotting away.. i feel bad because i hate my family to see me like this. and it sucks but theres only one person that will come see me, and its my friend kristina, she usually comes once or twice a day to see how im doing, and maybee lay next to me and watch tv or something..

sorry for the long message guys, not dying for attention or anything..i just felt like you guys deserve to know. i hope i can pull through.. but at this point im not sure how well it will go, judging on how im feeling... if anyone wants all the medical details and special names for it.. pm me and ill tell you, maybee you guys have some good advice to give.


"If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk.If you can't walk,crawl,but by all means keep moving" MLK
Jan 26, 2009
i hope the best for ya bro. i have ntohign to compare. but i have to have 6 discs in my back fused. tryignt o avoid ti as long as i can cus ill be otu for 8 months lol. but hope all goes well for you


Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
Wow, I have no idea what to say...

I hope you will pull through this quickly and with as little trouble as possible.

My family and I will keep you in our thoughts.

If you need to talk or anything just send me a PM.


Can't Wait to Be King.
Oct 21, 2006
Sac-Town, NorCal
IJ.;1241740 said:
Nothing I can do or say here will make things better but if you need to talk anytime PM me me Ryan.
(been in and out of hospital a lot so have an idea)


Minus the part of being in and out of hospital. :(

But if you need a third person to Send PM's to. (What i lack in life experience gets made up, in optimism.) :)

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Fuck. Like most others here I'm not sure I can say anything worthwhile.

Feel free to PM me. Not sure we've ever really interacted much on here, but I most definitely recognize the screen name. Stay strong, supra brother, and give me a ring if you ever need a listening ear.

You'll have a PM with my number.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
Doward;1242025 said:
Dude, you got an Xbox or anything? Hop online - gaming keeps your mind focused at least ;)

my xbox magically dissapeared when i got kicked out of my apartment... i have NOTHING.. no music, no tv.. i just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling wondering what i could be doing if i could do it. i have zero money.. i have 3 pairs of clothes,my phone, and thats it.. (i dont even get service at my dads) its pretty depressing.. i hate it.. i feel so useless and pathetic.

thanks for the blessings guys.


New Member
Dec 24, 2008
Rolla, Missouri
Take a walk. I know you will feel tired. But get some exercise. It will loosen up your muscles and make you more relaxed. If you cant take a walk, Sit outside for a while. Get fresh air. The WORST thing to do with something like this is to have lost hopes and feel like your feeling. Have Kristina go for a walk with you. If she has a car, Just go for a ride. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!! it will make you feel so much better. the reason im saying this??? I had testicular and cologne cancer.Ufeel so much better to go outside. And For the rest of you, my balls are doing fine thank you very much! lol But seriously man. Your attitude has alot to do with your recovery and treatment. If you ever need anybody to talk to I pm'd you my number. Take care and God Speed on a full recovery.


Happy as hell :D
Jan 15, 2006
Mount Vernon, WA, USA
I'm sorry to hear that bro. If you can go to the library. They usually have DVD's you can borrow for free and take back to your dads to watch. You have to do something to keep your mind sharp and distracted. After 3 shoulder surgeries, I know the boredom you're going through and it will drive any person insane quickly. Go on Craigslist and post for someone to hang with in the Strictly Platonic section. Having people around to keep you busy is always a very, very helpful thing. And as Ian said, feel free to PM me if you ever want someone to talk to.



Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
thank you for all the blessings everyone.. i really appreciate it.

Today i tried to do a bit.. but i passed out for about 5 hours after going out for about 2.. lol.
Anyways.. thank you all. =)


Was dgilman360
Sep 28, 2006
Lakeland Florida
Nomad707;1242401 said:
thank you for all the blessings everyone.. i really appreciate it.

Today i tried to do a bit.. but i passed out for about 5 hours after going out for about 2.. lol.
Anyways.. thank you all. =)

Hey man, at least you got some air and exercise.

Any little bit you can do will bring your spirits up and your body strong.

If you can try to go out with your friend to eat, or just a walk, its always good to interact.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
When's your next doctor's appointment?

Keep us posted and try to remain as positive as possible.


Im From The Bay
Mar 14, 2007
Santa Rosa, California
no pm yet boost.

I have two doctors appointments a week, mondays and thursdays. so i will let you guys know what goes down on monday. most likely i see more pills and more instructions.


New Member
Jan 25, 2009
Texas For now
Hey man, i can tell you the 2 best things to do in this situation is work out/eat healthy and keep doesnt matter doing what, just keep busy.
bum some money from your dad (if i have some spare at the end of this month we may make arrangements) get a couple of note pads, some cheap ink have the net...start a project, start drawing up your next parts HAVE to stay active body AND mind. My mother, aunt, 2 cousins, and even my wife have been in similar situations have to force your way through this....
PM me any time, ill send you my cell #, and my mesenger address. i can give you plenty of shit to make your mind spin over.