So after a few months of running great, a developed a dead miss while driving home. So far what I've found is a dead miss on cylinder 2 and 6 which share the same signal from the ecu. I've swapped coils and plugs and the number 2 injector, the miss stays on 2 and 6. Additionally I overlaid the signal wires to 2 and 6. Using a power probe I'm getting a pulse on these injectors but not as strong as the working cylinders. I haven't moved the cylinder 6 injector because its a pain in the ass and I wanted to see if anyone has seen this before. Could an internal short in the number six injector cause disruption to cyl 2 as well? Or is it simply a blown ecu.
My other question is if it is the number six injector, can I swap it with just one 2jz injector until I get my tax return or is that dumb?
My other question is if it is the number six injector, can I swap it with just one 2jz injector until I get my tax return or is that dumb?