Now I know a LOT of you live in the PacNW...but does anyone like a specific area over any else? Or what attracted you to a certain town/city/state? Was it a job, or did something else suck you in? Will my Akita/Shepherd get rained on all the time? 
I recently (about 9PM CST lol) decided the unhealthy relationship I'm in here wasn't gonna fly, called everything off, and want to get out of here (MN) by a large margin. I'm sick of dealing with lies and broken promises by those I love and who I thought loved me back. I'm sick of the same people and the same places and the same life I've been living. I'm sick of having people turned against me, and for being punished for being the one telling the truth. I wont be able to get over the hurt being here. I've lived across the Minneapolis metro and all around Duluth/Superior. I love (as in LOVE :love
the land, but can't stand the people I know any longer. I've always liked Oregon/Washington/BC/Wherever.
Soooo....I want out. ASAP. My brother is moving to the Portland area in May for residency. Exactly where is not sure yet, but he's #1 in his class at the University of MN Twin Cities Medical its more or less where he wants to go, not who will accept him. I have cousins in Vancouver. Seeing as how I love the general region and want the fuck out of here right now, I figure why not? So is there anywhere in specific someone might recommend?
I'm currently a mechanic going to school to be a carpenter. So I can typically find a job wherever (everyone needs their car fixed or a deck built, ya know?). I have no problem repeating credits at school; thats not a concern. A year or two more for another degree really doesn't bother me (well it does, but pro/con here leans towards get the fuck out) as I have a good savings and a good investment portfolio. I know I'll be able to find a job fine, honestly employment cant be any worse than Duluth, MN or Superior, WI.
Weather doesn't phase me at all. Not having excessive amounts of snow after Halloween will kind of geek me out (Duluth averages below 0 during the winter, and hella snow) but I don't mind as long as I can see white on Christmas without driving across the damn country. Rain is fine, I lived in Florida for two years (off and on) and went through a few hurricanes. I also made it through a few floods in Minneapolis suburbs. And tornadoes living with my aunt in Topeka. Mother Nature can lick my ass :tdo3:.
I currently own an 87 Turbo with about 70k, a lifted ZJ Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a 2005 CTS-V. The ZJ is the dd. The only vehicle I don't wanna have to sell is the Supra, as its been in the family since 87. But its only a car.... As for housing, ideally I'd like to buy, but if the city/town/state/not here is worth it I'd rent for as long as need be.
Where oh where should I move? Oh, and I hold dual citizenship. So more or less forget borders. ::salute:: :canada
I recently (about 9PM CST lol) decided the unhealthy relationship I'm in here wasn't gonna fly, called everything off, and want to get out of here (MN) by a large margin. I'm sick of dealing with lies and broken promises by those I love and who I thought loved me back. I'm sick of the same people and the same places and the same life I've been living. I'm sick of having people turned against me, and for being punished for being the one telling the truth. I wont be able to get over the hurt being here. I've lived across the Minneapolis metro and all around Duluth/Superior. I love (as in LOVE :love
Soooo....I want out. ASAP. My brother is moving to the Portland area in May for residency. Exactly where is not sure yet, but he's #1 in his class at the University of MN Twin Cities Medical its more or less where he wants to go, not who will accept him. I have cousins in Vancouver. Seeing as how I love the general region and want the fuck out of here right now, I figure why not? So is there anywhere in specific someone might recommend?
I'm currently a mechanic going to school to be a carpenter. So I can typically find a job wherever (everyone needs their car fixed or a deck built, ya know?). I have no problem repeating credits at school; thats not a concern. A year or two more for another degree really doesn't bother me (well it does, but pro/con here leans towards get the fuck out) as I have a good savings and a good investment portfolio. I know I'll be able to find a job fine, honestly employment cant be any worse than Duluth, MN or Superior, WI.
Weather doesn't phase me at all. Not having excessive amounts of snow after Halloween will kind of geek me out (Duluth averages below 0 during the winter, and hella snow) but I don't mind as long as I can see white on Christmas without driving across the damn country. Rain is fine, I lived in Florida for two years (off and on) and went through a few hurricanes. I also made it through a few floods in Minneapolis suburbs. And tornadoes living with my aunt in Topeka. Mother Nature can lick my ass :tdo3:.
I currently own an 87 Turbo with about 70k, a lifted ZJ Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a 2005 CTS-V. The ZJ is the dd. The only vehicle I don't wanna have to sell is the Supra, as its been in the family since 87. But its only a car.... As for housing, ideally I'd like to buy, but if the city/town/state/not here is worth it I'd rent for as long as need be.
Where oh where should I move? Oh, and I hold dual citizenship. So more or less forget borders. ::salute:: :canada