loki2043 said:
dude.. wtf? what happend? i thought u were engaged? yall looked so happy together.
well I came home one night and she goes "I'm gonna get my own apartment" I said "ok" then she said "and I think we should break up" I said "ok"
I knew it was coming just not when she has her own problems to deal with now like getting a job and finding a place to live since I just signed on a huge fucking house the day after she did this. I move in 3 month and she's not going with. She also need to find a phone and other shit. I'm not taking the stuff away it's just
1. I wont fit the bill on someone I'm not dating. I buy friends shit all the time but when it comes to stuff like bills no way. thats where the job comes in.
2. she wants to move to new york yet has less then $1000 to her name. thats where the she's not coming comes in.
and 3. When she leaves she leaves the phone too. because I am the one on the plan and if she desided to she could get pissed at me and ring up a $1000 bill that I don't feel like paying. (she has the kind of attatude to do this.)
lastly she wants me back now. but I said no because I have seen my friend get to 40 years old and have their wife leave out of no where and I'm afraid of that. this is not the first time this has happined this is the FOURTH so enough is enough and I just want to have fun with life I always have.