So how long does it take to get evicted


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
So As a few of you know I just bought a house, but I can't move into it for 1-2 months. Now the apartment I'm living in just pulled some shit out of their ass and said that I paid my rent late and now they are trying to charge me a $150!!! late fee. What I want to know is how long does it take to get evicted because if it takes long enough I just wont pay and live here til they evict me.


Destroyer of Turbos
Mar 30, 2005
Plano, TX
30-90 days depending on your state. even then they can take you to small claims court for the rent owed. check the date you paid last time (hopefully by check!) with a date on it and show them the error of their ways....


scratch that...going 2jz
Jun 26, 2006
United States
30-90 days depending on your state. even then they can take you to small claims court for the rent owed. check the date you paid last time (hopefully by check!) with a date on it and show them the error of their ways....

I paid by money order because they always fucked around with the check and yes it does say I paid on the right day but not the time I paid.

Edit: I have no problem paying rent owed just not some bull shit late fee for $150 when the lease says the late fee is $75


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
that is bullshit, thats why I picked a small mom and pop type of renting company. Our land lord is laid back as hell and is a really really cool guy, he would never charge us for something like that.

It goes both ways though, I scratch your back you scratch mine.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
whenmunkysfly said:
I paid by money order because they always fucked around with the check and yes it does say I paid on the right day but not the time I paid.

Edit: I have no problem paying rent owed just not some bull shit late fee for $150 when the lease says the late fee is $75

make sure u have a copy of the lease, and just encase they want to take you to small claims court they wont be able to sue you for anymore than $75, assuming that they are only charging you for one late fee, and not multiples