Grimjack was asking me about doing some SupraMania Screen Name Stickers to complement the SupraMania Stickers that he is selling. I know the last guy went I am going to run with this...:icon_bigg
These stickers will consist of your screen name in a smaller font that I will size to go under or above your currant SM sticker ONLY!!!. SM stickers can be made upon request.. but see if grim has some left in stock?? He sells them for 3$ each plus $1.50 for each additional sticker. I will do the same if you want since he has authorized this..
The main colors will be White, Black or Silver (other colors are available upon request) what color would you like to see??
Here are a few examples of what I think you may like, But please post any suggestions you may have as I want to work with you to get you what you want.. Please take a look at some of these
click here to see---> FONTS SAMPLES and let me know what you like..
I will contact everyone on the old thread to see if your still interested or please speak up here.
(old thread)
Seeing that each one is custom made,
2 stickers for $4, add $1 every additional sticker. SM STICKERS ARE $3 plus $1.50 for each additional SM sticker!! Free shipping for regular USPS mail to the USA and Canada.Everywhere else will be actual shipping costs as an extra fee.
(This should not be much extra coin.)
PLEASE NOTE: The SM Stickers themselves are GrimJacks deal!! I am just making them for him and SM, I am sending him some more so he will have plenty!!! Help support this site and buy a few from him. This post is for the screen names only!!!I prefer payments through to my account but I will make other exceptions if requested.
PAYMENT WILL BE NEEDED ONLY AFTER we have figured out your specific design. Be sure to include your screen name with your payment details and include a correct usps mailing address.
I will start taking orders now!!!
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