I changed the Title for yah:cry:IJ. said:Well NO I didn't agree and neither did any of the SM Admin team .......
suprahero said:That's not a grill, this is a grill................
Wow, all of a sudden I'm hungry.....
This camera sucks, or the operator is brain dead. Sorry about the bad picture........lol
Iv'e got it all, but you can only see the top of the charcoal bag.MDCmotorsports said:Charcol briqs suck. Real men cook with real charcol made from either hickory or mesquite. Its tough to fine, but its the real deal!
If you didn't notice I typed, cooked, and took pictures all at the same time. And my food tasted better.:icon_razzsuprahero said:Yuppyville is quick. Gives me more time to work on my car and type on SupraMania...........lol
So nobody thought my food looked good, huh?exander said:Go ahead. You can say I'm a good cook!:icon_razz