Sluggish starting After sitting 30 minutes



Anyone? 89 turbo runs great but after it sits for about 20 to 30 minutes after driving it's sluggish to starting, It starts but once it starts I have to rev the motor for about 20 seconds or so or it will stall out. I've done the tune up thing , timing thing, oxygen senser, ignition sensor, It's probably minor but I cant figure it out or should I say i hope it's minor. All thoughts welcome!


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
Welcome to the forum. If you're looking for answers posting in the relevant section will drastically increase the number of responses.

For now, I'd suggest looking at the ISC (Idle Speed Controller). The TSRM (your new best friend) details trouble shooting it here:
Also check to make sure the ISC, the piping that runs to it and the port where it's mounted aren't clogged.

You might also want to check for diagnostic codes:

It's possible something is getting heat soaked, but I'd check those two first. If everything checks out fine post up in the general discussion section or the GTE section.