simple fuel cut question


SF what a waste of supras
Jun 22, 2006
Nucleon said:
I have searched a little but didn't find this.

When you install a fcd or a bcc on 1JZ, do you need to adjust fuel above fuel cut, like with the 7M?
i heard if you just cut the pink wire going to the ecu your done ecu does not know how fast your car is going. also there is a way to split the pulses so the ecu thinks your car is going half the speed or slow the pulses down a lot maybe as simple as putting a capacitor in series in the pink wire i guess the cap would require 2 pulses to charge the cap and discharge one pulse the same out put signal voltage? i will work on this i know you can get around this with some radio shack parts no more then $5 worth. also one other thing the 1JZ does not use fuel cut it uses some other less agresive messure to keep your car slow it changes the ignition and some other things like boost and some how detunes then engine from overspeeding because if it used a fuel cut switch you can just hook up a toggol that just keeps the fuel pump power on. ao when it hits limit you dont feel a surge and jurking feeling like most other cars.


German Supra Driver
I was asking about fuel/boost cut.

But if someone else likes to know. The MAP Sensor voltage will be capped with the FCD and the engine will go lean, when boosting to much...

So using a FCD is senseless without a F-Con. Even with a S-AFC, you don't need it.


Just do an SAFC so you can tune too. On SAFC alone and Stock map i have no problem hitting 2 bar


1JZ Supra
Apr 27, 2005
Denton, TX
Yes you do have to adjust so you dont go to lean.

Nucleon said:
I have searched a little but didn't find this.

When you install a fcd or a bcc on 1JZ, do you need to adjust fuel above fuel cut, like with the 7M?