SILV 08 Scenic Drive Information -- Ghost Town and BBQ


Permanent Ban
Apr 4, 2005
Ladies and Gents,

I am the coordinator for SILV 08's Scenic Drive. This is a very popular event amongst Vegas goers and I hope to continue that trend. However the Red Rocks, Valley of Fire and Mt. Charleston cruises have all been done in recent years, and I wanted to do something different. So, I did some searching and I came up with a nearby ghost town called Goodsprings, NV.

In my opinion, SILV is more about meeting people and the camaraderie amongst Supra owners, and this idea gives us plenty of opportunity to meet and hang out. The ride there may not be so scenic, but our destination is where the real scenery and photo opportunities will be found.



There are plenty of old houses, a cemetery, landmarks, mining shafts, and more to provide an excellent backdrop for pictures of your Supra, and when you're not shooting pics, you can be doing shots at the saloon, checking out the haunted spots, or grubbing down on some Ribeyes. That's right, we will also be grilling!

This place provides the BBQ grilles, the charcoal, and the whole 9. They even provide the meat. The only catch is, we have to grille it ourselves. So I (and whomever else is willing) will be putting on my chef's hat, and going to work at the grill. The Goodsprings folk offer everything from hamburgers to T-Bones to seafood, but to keep the cost down, we're going for the ribeyes.

So what do you think? Can we tolerate a not-so Scenic Drive for a Scenic Destination? How does an old west saloon and an SILV BBQ sound?

Cost for the Scenic Drive are still being determined, but there will be a discount when you pre-register. Below are some links to more pictures and information about Goodsprings.
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Dec 3, 2003
Hopefully the drive will be better than the last one I drove. The roads were horrible :aigo:

Thanks for doing this. It is nice to see people step up and be a part of the scene by helping out and bringing people together at meets such as this.

Now back to regular programming. :icon_bigg



Permanent Ban
Apr 4, 2005
The place is 39 miles from the official hotel so we still get plenty of driving in, except it's freeway driving, so no worry about 15mph.

The Scenic Drive will take place on Saturday before the drags. The time line is not official yet but I figure if we head out about an hour after our free breakfast (thanks Keith :bigthumb: ) it'd go something like this...

10:15 -- Leave Hotel
11:00 -- Arrive at Ghost Town
11:15 -- Fire up the grill, take photos, grab a beer, gamble, etc.
12:30 -- Grub on some ribeyes
13:15 -- Clean up, more pictures (maybe a group picture), more beers
14:00 -- Leave Ghost Town
14:45 -- Back to the hotel to get ready for the drags.

Click here for a cool L.A. Times article on the Saloon.

We're not the first to have this idea. Check out what I found in a search...






New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
Guys... you have no idea how much liability we have doing these events. We cannot afford to be speeding as a large group of 50+ Supras. Do you even realize how big of a target we are? Might as well dress us in deer suits, paint bullseyes on our backs, and put us 3 feet in front of the hunter on the first day of deer season.

ALL SILV activites follow the laws. There will be NO speeding on this Scenic Drive. The speed limit in Red Rock Canyon was 15. We did 15. If you don't like it there are plenty of other activities to keep you busy. Please do not screw this up for the rest of the people that are adult enough to drive properly.

If you REALLY must drive fast there will be plenty of chances at the Drag Showdown.

Supras Invade Las Vegas