Should i be worrying?



So i put anohter engine in my car last week, the engine was sitting at a junkyard for quite a while so pretty much unused for at least 6 months. I've got the car running fine, sweet as a nut but recently i've noticed my oil pressure has went down about 5psi throughout the whole range, warm and cold... it also seems to be idling aboout 200rpms higher than usual too. Another thing i've noticed is there's a very mild thumping like sound from the engine but i think it could be just mt exhaust manifold as the gasket is old and it's blowing a bit.

Anyway is this anything to worry about or is it settling in again after not being run for atleast 6 months? the oil pressure is well within it's normal operating range but it's just the fact that it's decreased over the last day or two...

After having rod knock after 3 hours of owning the car i've become a bit paranoid to say the least lol


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
thumping sounds are bad.

send the oil out for analysis! its not expensive, you just have to find a lab near you that will do it.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Drop in pressure could be all the gum and crap inside the motor letting go of the inside of the block and going straight to the filter and clogging it.

The "thump" can be checked by using a long handled screwdriver, run the motor and place the sharp end against the block and the handle against you ear (just over the jaw bone) just move it around the motor you'll be surprised what you hear in there!


Power Blue!!
Apr 8, 2005
Sacramento, CA
IJ. said:
The "thump" can be checked by using a long handled screwdriver, run the motor and place the sharp end against the block and the handle against you ear (just over the jaw bone) just move it around the motor you'll be surprised what you hear in there!

harbor freight tools also have mechanics stethescopes for around $5-10 that are designed for this purpose. The trick with the "battery handle" style screwdriver works well too, but the stethescope works better, because you can get it into places you can't get your head, unless you want to be scalped by your alternator or A/C belt :p



Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa

Not really helpful post, but I bought my 89NA and four hours later I had rod knock... Filled the oil when i left my house and about 40 miles later it was totally dry and knockin


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Atlanta, GA
i am probably going to sound like a dick but how about just checking your oil level?

Is it possible that you have an oil leak of some sort and havent noticed?

I actually had something similar happen to me. Apparently my dipstick doesnt read right... I noticed my oil pressure drop and decided to do an oil change and switch oils... My oil was actually pretty low... Then i of course discovered my valve covers leaking :)


thanks for the replies, i'll try the screwdriver trick later. I do have a slight oil leak on my sump but i check my oil level daily and it's always topped up if need be.

I'll ask about to see if there's lab around me that will do the analysis for the oil, what exatcly do they look for anyway?

I'll replace my oil filter today just in case at has been clogged up a little.

I assume i'm going to have to take the engine out to replace the oil pump? i'm not sure if the sump would come off without taking it out, maybe i'd get away with lifting it off it's mounts a little without taking it to bits again! I just don't fancy ripping an engine out twice in two weeks but i could change my sump while i'm at it.

i'll let yous know if i develop any knocking sounds lol :aigo:


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Hofajoab said:
I'll ask about to see if there's lab around me that will do the analysis for the oil, what exatcly do they look for anyway?

They identifiy the different types of metals in the oil, how big the pieces are, ect to figure out what bearings are toasted & how bad. The Army uses Oil analysis all the time, my vehicle was 'pissed' at least every three months, but the mechanics were able to order parts before they pull the motor. Cool stuff


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
Do you really want to change that with the motor hanging inside the car? I for one wouldn't want to put my hands under the motor to do that, but more importantly, just think of the damage that it would do if the chain slipped. Not speaking from experience, but another hour or so, and the motor would be out anyway.
The top tranny bolts are the only 'hard' ones to get, but its nothing 6' of extentions and a swivel wont take care of. :icon_bigg