Shifter ring was TOAST!

Red Dragon

Keep That on the Down Low
Jan 5, 2006
Austin, TX
Pulled my shifter this afternoon to change pivot bushing and shifter gasket with new ones picked up from Jeff Watson...

So I pull the thing and there it is, the shifter gasket/ring in 1,000,000 little pieces (it was a "green truck" one).... with a bunch of little shit particles falling down into the tranny as I pulled it up.... I mean it was like a saltine craker had been put in there, and the shifter installed on top of it. I don't know how long it had ben in there (the car only had 5,000 miles put on it in last 5 years) but obviously waaay to long...

So how long should I plan on this one "living" I have heard of people "going thru" these gaskets prety quickly, but surely they don't all turn brittle and fall apart when you have worn them out right?


Supra Chair!
Mar 30, 2005
Birmingham, AL
When I changed mine out the bushing had turn to a brown piece of gross and fell in the transmission. I was able to fish it out though. The gasket was in pretty good shape however...