Sexy Supra - advice?


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
Hey guys

OK so for the whole time Ive had my Supra I've been focusing on getting the car back to a near new state , so I can then begin modifying it. I saw no point in having a car that looks good but goes no where. I would love to get to the point where all I'm doing is buying parts to pretty it up..but I'm far far away from that.

In the meantime however the way my engine looks plain depresses me. stock 3000 pipe , 25 year old alternator hanging of the side , massive heat shield over my ct26.... certainly doesn't look like an engine that is babied , warmed up everyday (rain or snow) , never thrashed and all levels checked every time I start it.

Its going to take me until at least Jan next year to get the funds to do my r154 conversion or for installing tuning the standalone so I thought Id start the "prettying up" process now.

Clear side marker lights are on the way.

Already done clear indicators

Already done 89+ tail light conversion

Respray will happen only after the transmission conversion , so Il be painting my side strips black in the meantime.

Thinking of removing my spoiler , but I don't want three massive holes in my bonnet. I agree with the general consensus though , dont remove the spoiler unless I slam it.

Coil overs have arrived , will be fitted shortly

Sleepy eye mod happening this weekend ( yes I know many of you hate this , I think the mk3 looks much better at night with this mod) .Have seen widebodycherry tutorials but i don't think I cbf doing all that work for HID's so probably just going to stick with my stock headlights.

Want to paint my calipers but I feel painting it is too ricer as my brakes are dead stock. Plan to get some Wilwoods on there eventually.

My questions

- Im looking for a timing cover for my 7m - yes Ive searched , yes Ive found threads - but only for clear timing covers - and
and Ive heard these get real dirty very easily. How true is this and how long does it take to get noticeably dirty ?

- I'm looking for a colored 7m timing cover, any color(beside black of course) , preferably blue. Do they make these or only the clear ones? Would I simply have to paint my timing cover?

- Where can I source a bellmouth for the ct 26?

Anything else you guys can think of to help my ride look clean , aggressive and sexy as hell?


Active Member
May 19, 2010
If you want nice looking calipers but don't want to look like a ricer, and can't afford a BBK yet, just paint the stock calipers black.

Sleepy eye mod on stock headlights will leave you with headlights that light up your bumper, and 10 feet in front of you. It won't be fun at night.

Here's a tip to clean up corroded looking stock aluminum engine parts (like the intake manifold). Get some cast/mag wheel cleaner. It will take that white corrosion powder off and leave the part uniform looking.

Also, a pressure washer or steam cleaner works wonders.


Nov 5, 2009
corinth tx
^^^bingo, sleepy/lazy eye is a good weekend project for some folks...and sometimes a few trips to the store for fabrication.

unless you work at a shop, i wouldnt try it unless you can afford some down time to do it properly.

DO NOT use stock headlights!!!

i know youve made pointless posts in the past and no harm comes with "what do these wheels i bought look like on my car" but when it comes to safety/and or lighting, heed our advice, do it right or not at all...this type of shit can get people injured or worse. sorry, not being captain safety here, at the end of the day youre gonna do what you want...

as for pretty'ing up your car, go down the aussie "autozone" equivalent with 500 bucks/quid/lbs whatever and take a walk down the boy racer isle...if you havnt done so already. a vacuum and armorall go a long way...i dont see where else this topic could possibly go.


night ryda
Dec 7, 2010
Sydney, Australia, Australia
suprajztwenty;1779300 said:
^^^bingo, sleepy/lazy eye is a good weekend project for some folks...and sometimes a few trips to the store for fabrication.

unless you work at a shop, i wouldnt try it unless you can afford some down time to do it properly.

DO NOT use stock headlights!!!

i know youve made pointless posts in the past and no harm comes with "what do these wheels i bought look like on my car" but when it comes to safety/and or lighting, heed our advice, do it right or not at all...this type of shit can get people injured or worse. sorry, not being captain safety here, at the end of the day youre gonna do what you want...

as for pretty'ing up your car, go down the aussie "autozone" equivalent with 500 bucks/quid/lbs whatever and take a walk down the boy racer isle...if you havnt done so already. a vacuum and armorall go a long way...i dont see where else this topic could possibly go.

firstly , those threads maybe pointless to you , but werent pointless to me. I dint have the wheels in my possesion and wanted to know/get a pic of how they would look on an a70 supra.

I always wondered if the light beam itself would burn/heat up the bumper in front of it with the sleepy eye mod. I WILL take the advice of you guys and only do the sleepy eye mod if I am able to fit the custom headlights


New Member
Oct 8, 2008
Long Beach
You can't put a bellmouth on your turbo unless you run a system like Maft pro that gets rid of your air flow meter. Your car will not run without the afm and although some people do so I highly suggest not running a turbo without a filter on it. My $.02


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
Bettingen, Germany
For you timing cover if you were to get a clear timeing cover they do get dirty but it is not the exterior as much as the interior side that gets it the most. Where you timing belt is constantly in motion it will flex and that will eventually start to throw little bits of your belt out onto the interior of a clear timing cover. They do look good but you would have to keep removing it to clean it and ecspecially if you get an oil leak behind it that will make it worse inside. Now if you would like a colored one you could go with a clear one and

1. Get a gates timing belt and let it go and hope it will throw the blue part of the belt on your timing cover lol.
2. Get a clear one and paint the inside of it not the outside that will make it pretty cool and it will stay nice and shiney
3. You can get carbon fibre covers for them but you didnt want black.
4. Or just find you an old one and experiment with some paint.

I have learned a few things working on my cars if you can source a broken part that you can experiment with such as painting and modding then do that before you go doing it to yours. You might not like how it turns out in the end. I am sure that there is somebody out there that will have one that is cracked or got a hole in it that would help you with your need to know.

And another way you could go is just get you some nice shiney cams and throw them on with a new timing belt and just leave the cover off that is what I am planning on doing, it might just work our for you. Plus if you get aftermarket cams that are adjustable that is a plus for you (less work on them when you want to adjust) :D

Will be keeping an eye on this one would like to know which way you go and how this one turns out for you.

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Cleaning,wire tucks and new hoses vaccum lines and even some braided lines does wonders.

I also will have to say running your car without a filter for the turbo seems not to be a good idea.

Although I was wondering why I don't see a lot of people run a vpc to get rid of the AFM.

I'm sure maft pro is a better option as it has a lot more to offer. Bit wouldnt a simple vpc setup work also?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Compton74;1779342 said:
I highly suggest not running a turbo without a filter on it. My $.02

I'll make that $0.04... unless you only drive your car in more or less controlled conditions like the tracks. Even then, if Australia is anywhere near as dusty as where I live, I wouldn't do it.

Sleepy eye thing, looks alright if done well, but like has been mentioned, doing it right is a safety must. ;)

As for the general direction of your questions, I would find a car that you like the style of, and do your own take on it. I've had an ideal Mk3 in my head for a long time now, and making it become a reality is taking quite a while. Read the "living with a Supra" thread that's linked in my signature if you can spare a minute or two. These cars require a bit of patience and dedication (as well as a bit of insanity thrown in for good measure haha)., so just take your time, and make your car what YOU want it to be. In the long run, you have to be happy with YOUR car. As long as you don't make it God-awfully ugly, you won't catch much flack from the crowd around here, as we all have our own tastes when it comes to style. :)


Active Member
May 19, 2010
That bell-mouth for $380~ dollars you linked to is actually a whole turbo with the bell. Also FYI it's called a velocity stack, not a bell mouth.

Search ebay if you do want one, they are on there for about $30 for a generic one. I don't know how well the generic ones work compared to a name brand one that has actually been developed on a flow bench. It probably won't matter if you're using it on a CT-26 as you're not going for mega HP with that turbo anyway. It would be mostly just for looks.


New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
I've been looking at hose candy lately for my own vacuum lines. They look sick (some of them anyway) and makes removing things a breeze since it converts the whole system to quick disconnects.


Apr 26, 2011
Turbo Habanero;1779360 said:
Although I was wondering why I don't see a lot of people run a vpc to get rid of the AFM.

I'm sure maft pro is a better option as it has a lot more to offer. Bit wouldnt a simple vpc setup work also?

There are people out there running the vein pressure converter, I know a guy locally who has one. But I think you don't see as many now for a few reasons: a. they're still pretty pricey b. they are older, and less adjustable/accurate unless set to stock compared to the maftpro c. they are not made anymore and a little rare, i have only seen on a couple on ebay recently

Turbo Habanero

New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Thanks for the reply 89gte on average what does the setup run these days?

with the chip/harness and map sensor (i'm assuming the Vpc runs off a map)