Routing / ISP / IP issues - anyone able to help?


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Still having issues when it comes to loading facebook, tracked it down to the fact that static.ak.fbcdn isn't loading at all. If i use https, then FB loads, because the SSL servers are on a different IP.

So, tracert with reveals that everything is fine up until the point where Level3 hands over to - at which point it reports 'destination host unreachable' and drops back to a command prompt, although, why i'm being routed via fucking LATVIA i don't know.

Now, if i use my proxy, then i can load it, but half the time, my proxy isn't loading either, so is there a way i can reach FB via some other means?

I can setup a network okay, but the larger, ISP level stuff, i'm lost on.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
GODDAMMIT! I am *such* a noob....just checked the hosts file against what the *actual* ip is.

Turns out that facebook just migrated servers, and as i had hard coded the ip address for all of facebooks servers into the hosts file, just in case DNS failed on me (it does every now and then), i could still access it.

IP i had in the hosts file:
IP in actual use: