You totally ruined what was the end of a great day!!!
that guy was THE BEST! no other comedian i can watch over and over and not get sick of. his comedy was spit like poetry. Im sorry but this is the saddest thing i have heard in a long time. easily one of the comedic greats and totally bummed i was never able to catch one of his shows live!
Here's a GREAT example of how smooth and sharp Carlins delivery is with his jokes. doesnt missa beat!
“I’m getting really sick of guys named Todd. It’s a goofy fucking name. “Hi, what’s your name?” “Tooooooooooooodd. I’m Todd. And this is Blake, and Blaire and Blaine and Brent.”
“Where all these goofy fucking boys names comin’ from? Taylor, Tyler, Jordan, Flynn. These are not real names. You wanna hear a real name? Eddie. Eddie is a real name! “What happened to Eddie, he was here a minute ago?” Jackie and Johnny and Tommy and Bill. Danny, Larry, Johnny, and Phil.”
“What happened? Todd. And Cody, and Dillon, and Cameron, and Tucker. “Hi Tucker, I’m Todd.” “Hi Todd, I’m Tucker.” Fuck Tucker, Tucker sucks. And fuck Tucker’s friend Kyle. Thats another soft name for a boy. Kyle. Soft names make soft people. I’ll bet you ten times out of ten, Nicky, Vinnie, and Tony would beat the shit out of Todd, Kyle, and Tucker.”
- George Carlin, Complaints and Grievances