This is what I wrote (and did on my car) on another forum.
Has any one replaced the bushings on/for the #2 Lower Suspension Arm???
Its the square shaped one coming from the differential mount, over to the rear axle carrier/ hub. The inner end has an alignment adjustment on it.
I want to replace the bushings (worn out), and I can use a press to get the inner one (TSRM page RA-63 #2) out/on because its in the arm.
But..the outer bushing is on the axle carrier/ hub. I don't want to remove the carrier/hub from the car, just to do this bushing. Has anyone done it on the car???
I don't know how to post photos or diagrams here, but it is on page RA-6, center of the online TSRM. And page RA-61 (item #4)
Dealer wholesale cost, by the way, is $30 US ea bushing.
-------------- I did the bushings. The one that's in the lower control arm was good, so I left it alone. I would have used a press to remove it, or you can use a Ball Joint Puller and a socket or steel sleeve that will allow you to press it out, and new one in.
BTW, that inner bushing is steel sleeved on the outside, rubber middle, then steel sleeve inside. (just look at yours).
The outer bushing (in the hub) was totally loose. It is actually a bearing, with a steel sleeve outside, rubber seals on each end, bearings inside, then steel inner sleeve.
BTW, the bolts don't get any wear, so no need to replace them.
I did the whole job by jacking the car up and removing the wheel. 19mm box wrench, 19mm socket and breakerbar, 7/8" wrench.
I used a professional Ball Joint Puller (Harbor Freight, cheap) to do it with because it is heavy (strong) enough to do the work. A small puller will NOT work.
(The TSRM says to remove the entire hub and use a press with SST's.)
I also have air tools, so I used a 3/8dr impact gun on the puller bolt.
I used some larger sockets as adaptors to press the old bushing out, and the new one in.
If it looks like a job you can handle (only you know your ability), and if you can't borrow a puller from someone, or a parts store, then buying one would still save you a bundle compared to paying a shop for the repair.
Toyota Dealer ...
The outer bushing was like $48, the inner one was like $38. If you needed the cam adjust bolt on inner bushing, its like $15.
BTW...I did not know my bushing was bad until I happened to be under the car, and grabbed the arm and wiggled/twisted it. Then I noticed that the tire was way out of alignment because the bad bushing allowed the camber to get very negative.
A tool truck will have the uller set. Maybe Sears.