Rear bumper bolt/bracket under wheelwell rusted out?


Aug 8, 2007
Syracuse, New York, United States
The bracket that holds the leading edge of the rear bumper (the part going underneath the wheelwells) has rusted out, causes my bumper to sag down and scrape against the rear wheel. The bracket that is on the bumper itself is still there ( part # 52075/52076), but the bracket that it bolts to on the car broke off. I refuse to believe there isn't a part number for the damn thing, it can't be a part of the body, that'd be stupid.

Any ideas on what part # it is? I don't want to ziptie it up (I will if I have to...) and am planning a month or two of downtime in the summer with a buddy near me to fix the rear portion of the car up, but want to drive it until then/buy parts now/yadda yadda.
